Does the guild get disbanded?
What happens when I run out of crowns to pay upkeep?
The furnishings are sent back to the storage, and the extra rooms are removed until you pay the upkeep again.
I have added some additional information regarding upkeep and default in the patch notes:
I know I have no leg to stand on here but, Not being able to add more members to a guild because we don't want to pay the upkeep is ridiculous, Will there be a way to reset everything? Such as making the guild hall just as it was before?
"If an expansion is removed, any rooms that were 'unlocked' as a result of installing the expansion are removed."
I take it "rooms" means things like the Alchemy and Auction and Training Rooms?
So for example - if I have 2nd level expansions, place an AH Room on the 1st floor, and then downsize to get rid of the 2nd floor, what happens to the AH?
What happens if a 2nd floor is added again in future? Do you need to buy the AH again ?
Can you please add to your post so this is more clear.
What about furniture items that are unlocked by "expansion" - once purchased, can they be placed in your Guild Hall regardless of what size you maintain?
If you remove the 2F wings, the AH will be removed as well, and locked until you place the 2F wing again. And yes, you'll have to pay the installation fee again.
If I put furniture in the main hall on 1F (the hall that connects entrance to console room) and the guild defaults. Will my furniture still be at the main hall?
On the other hand, it has already been tested that you can downsize a wing and still keep furnitures (not room) that were unlocked by that wing.
For example, if you buy a 2F wing, then place a mist well in the 1F and then remove the 2F wing, you'll keep the mist well. I wonder if it's a bug or intended, though.
While in default a guild may also not add new guild members.
Wow, was not aware of this. Is that really necessary? That could cripple the growth of smaller guilds that find themselves unable to pay upkeep one week, especially with the 200% penalty.
We are trying to avoid situations where guilds who cannot pay upkeep mass invite others in order to get them to pay the upkeep for them. The optimal player experience is joining a guild that is not in default.
No wonder we're like... staying in a house and we have to pay taxes.
Nick is the president of Spiral Knights and he assigns someone who must be the one who claims rents from guild masters...
"We are trying to avoid situations where guilds who cannot pay upkeep mass invite others in order to get them to pay the upkeep for them."
At least, or so, me thinks in real life there are less people who call neighbours to help them pay rents. But I believe a tight slapping would reward them instead. (ermahgerd)
Actually, that's not a bad reasoning, Nick, I can get down with that. However, I still think that small guilds who simply fall behind one week (coincidental activity drop or any number of innocent reasons) suddenly get lumped with that 200% decrease and can't pay it back off for another fortnight, and are also suddenly unable to invite any others and have their growth halted. I imagine this to be quite punishing for smaller guilds.
Ofc, I can't see any compromise towards this end to suggest, so for now I'll just take your word for it that your team has thought it through and decided this is the best balance~
A guild can always disband and re-create itself, which sets an upper limit on the trouble a guild can really be in. However, disbanding and recreating is going to be messy and inconvenient... perhaps there should be a way to reset the guild hall to a starting guild hall for the same cost as creating a guild, getting the same result without the mess. Guilds that find themselves in a position of needing months to pay off their default might prefer this route, which I suppose should be called 'bankruptcy'.
What about furniture items that are unlocked by "expansion" - once purchased, can they be placed in your Guild Hall regardless of what size you maintain?
I was wondering about this too. Then I remembered I still had an empty guild sitting on an alt. So I got first floor expansion then and purchased a bed, which required level 1 to purchase, placed and published it. After that I removed the wing and the bed got placed into treasury and I could still place it in the default Guild Hall, but was unable to buy another one. That means at the moment you can still use furniture that requires a higher floor level to buy then you currently have.
Is it possible to "Demolish" the expansions and remove the default that way? That would be a nice way to exit from bankrupcy.
It was initially stated that all furniture is returned to the Vault. Since there are no restrictions on where you can place higher tier furniture once you buy them, you should be able to put higher tier furniture in your level-one guildhall. (Unless the Developers have SPECIFICALLY designed it otherwise) You just won't be able to purchase additional furniture from rooms you don't have.
Your knight gets "removed" and things happen to you....terrible terrible things....jk
I believe I read somewhere that if you don't pay the upkeep, the guild goes back to normal
and anything you had gets stored in the treasury until you pay your upkeep again.....I think?
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