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Wiki Page for Guilds?

23 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Legacy Username

I've been thinking about making a wiki page for the guilds. It's just an idea as of yet. What's everybody's opinion on this? Do you think it would be a good idea?

If this was created it would have the following information:

    ♦ Guild Masters
    ♦ Officers
    ♦ A short description (of the Guild Master's own creation) of the Guild and it's purpose.
    ♦ Number of current members.

Also, I would need the Guild's cooperation. Again, this is only an idea at the moment. =)
Thanks for your input!

Kitty ♥

P.S. I've already created a base page. Someone did add to it and I added on to that. =) [To find the page, go to the wiki and enter "Guilds" in the search box.]

What would be great is a way to formally publicize a guild...

I was considering doing this for my own guild but then thought I might cause issues since no one else has done it before (unbalanced). Not to mention all the comments I'd get thrown at me having done the amount I already have right here on the forums.

If it's a balanced thing, though, and everyone can freely add their own guild page, then I'd say sure. However, one of the issues I can see is that it might get ridiculous for future populations, which is why this should maybe just be a Preview Event thing, or with low populations. The other one is with guild competition, where certain members of guild A might go and screw with the page of guild B. Unless there is some way to restrict editing privileges?

I like the idea, but, as disappointing as it is, there are some perhaps unavoidable issues that may come along with it. What would be great is a way to formally publicize a guild without having to shout around in game and post under the "Guild Recruitment" section - which is what I think you're getting at.

Though, I guess the Wiki is all we have, being as we are expected to not externally display anything related to SK... Therefore I say: lets do it!


Edit: Hey Kitty, I went to the Guilds page but I don't see a guild base page there?

Legacy Username

Awesome! Well I'm thinking just a base page, you know? I know the guild population is increasing, as people are creating and recruiting already. But I was thinking just a general list for now until the game is released so that we can avoid this confusion. I guess I'm kind of hoping no one will try to screw each other with it. =P Glad I have someone in agreement though!

But this does also mean I'll need Guild Masters to cooperate with us on the project. I got the idea because if someone comes on and wants to join a guild, they'd have a hard to finding someone with the means to add them. (Sometimes, not all the time.) :)

Legacy Username
Do you know of any other game

Do you know of any other game wikis that do this now? If so, could you give a few examples? As the community continues to grow I can only imagine the wiki being littered with in jokes, petty vandalism, and guild drama. Also, as guilds grow it makes sense for those guilds to have forums/websites of their own that are hosted elsewhere.

I don't really like the idea now, because of all the litter it could potentially create on the wiki - but I don't want to form much of an opinion unless there are examples of other wikis doing this and it seems to work OK for them.

Legacy Username
Not really, no.

I'm not involved in any other PC Games so I am unaware of any Guilds other than the Spiral Knights community. Like I previously mentioned, I only mean for a basic outline for a guild wiki page. Basically, I only mean for it to involve a short description, the people whom they can contact to join the guild, and total members involved. I don't like drama any more than you do. But at least people will have a basic idea or a list of possibilities of groups they can join. If people vandalize, or by any other means violate it, I'd probably be checking periodically to make sure nothing other than the information previously mentioned gets listed on there.

It's hard for me to imagine that much vandalism on this. But like I said, it's still only an idea. I am glad you brought those possibilities to my attention though. :)

Also, I have no intention of listing a guild that does not want to be on the wiki. I would need a Guild Master's permission to list it.

Bild des Benutzers Merethif
Crew pages on YPPedia

Rose, I know that there are crew pages on YPPedia, and I believe crews are like a guilds on YPP. For example:

Anyways, I know there's issues with, but...

Well the good thing is, guild members can check their page whenever they want, as well as see who edited their page (if anybody). This means that if someone wants vandalize, they will be caught red-handed. I think this would be considered vandalizing in the sense it is for any Wiki page. It would be the same as some loser erasing the Armor page or something, for example.

Also, we are not permitted to post anything at all about AK anywhere but here. Thus, we cannot make websites and forums and such for our guilds at all, and our only choice is the Forums/Wiki. However, the forums have very little formatting options, and casual players don't seem to check them at all unless they need help they cannot find on the Wiki.

Anyways, I know there's issues with, but it's not going to hurt anyone right now. I have created a template for individual guild pages (example) so that anybody can go ahead and copy-and paste it for their own guild page (which they would also have to create). We should request that inexperienced Wiki users ask experienced ones to add (and possibly update) their guild, though. Whether or not it's useful, at least I'm gaining experience. :D

Legacy Username
I too don't quite see the use

I too don't quite see the use of a guild page.. I know that PP has them on yppedia, but do a lot of people actually look at those pages? I don't anyhow. And I don't really know a lot of people that do look at them.

It bothers me too that when I search for something, the results page is half cluttered with results about player, crew or flag pages. (talking about yppedia here)

Basically what I'm trying to say is that I don't quite see any advantages from this.

Legacy Username

I don't think the wiki should contain info that is about the players, instead of about the game.

Unless we get a Leeroy Jenkins or something as important as that.

I liked the idea because we have no where else...

I liked the idea because we have no where else, aside the forums, to publically display guild info, as a consequence of privacy restrictions. Plus I was able to sharpen by newly acquired Wiki template knowledge...

I agree, there exists no viable advantages, but honestly I don't really see any disadvantages either. This is probably mostly due to the fact SK is in beta and there are very few guilds to begin with, thus very little data (or meddling issues) to deal with.

Legacy Username
Well unless you're going to

Well unless you're going to delete every single guild-page after the closed beta is finished.. Else people will see previous guild pages in the open-beta and start creating them at mass?

Guild should have their own

Guild should have their own wikis made from scratch instead of using the official wiki.

Yeah too bad there's no where to do that.

Yeah too bad there's no where to do that. There's not much possibility for publicity at this point, not surprisingly.

Legacy Username
The base page!

Well I basically made a page that will show up when you search it. That's what it was. Then I filled in the definition of guild, energy cost, (Someone filled in the crown price), and that's all. That WAS my base page. LOL =3


(In response to Chronus' question.)

I thought you were planning on...

I thought you were planning on a page for each individual guild? Or perhaps a listing of guilds on the same page with the information you mentioned in your original post? I'm confused now haha...

Anyways, I think magus meant a whole separate Wiki for guilds, AKA an external website (if it wasn't hosted and allowed by TRD). As of now the only place we have to publically announce guild-related stuff is the forums, this is why I liked the idea of adverting individual guilds on the Wiki.

Bild des Benutzers Dwyn
Have an issue with guild pages...

Two issues.

First, guilds have a tendency to come and go or lull into massive inactivity. While SK is smallish, individual pages that belong to defunct guilds might not be an issue, but as it gets larger, more and more defunct pages will end up collecting dust. A whole can of worm opens in how to handle deleting 'inactive' guild pages (such as inactive guilds that have members that might come back and be mad that their guild is no longer on the wiki; and the issue if a guild is deleted and someone comes along and snags the name (creating a new guild of the same name) and finds that there is already a guild page made...)

The additional ability to sabotage 'rival' guild pages just for vicious lols (let's face it, there are lots of snot-nosed brats out there who would totally do so) is a troubling a forseeable issue.

I could see a place for a list of guilds, but individual guild pages seem overly messy.

Bild des Benutzers Pauling
Pick a naming convention and stick to it

Per fears of pages being defaced: remember that by design, a wiki contains a detailed log of all changes made. If an abusive edit is made, it can be tracked to a specific user, and they or their IP address can be blocked. The tools are built in.

As long as we keep to a consistent naming convention (like Guilds/Name or Name_(Guild)), the risk of clutter is minimal; it'd be a page that no one looked it, but not actively harmful. The ideal solution may change once the NDA is lifted, but given the current ban on using outside sites, the wiki sounds like a fine temporary way to list and promote guilds. I've also added the "guilds" category to the "guilds" template, so that any page using that template is automatically categorized for ease of searching.

Yes, those are the issues we've been pointing out.

@Dwyn: Yes, those are the issues we've been pointing out. The main reason that placing these pages on a Wiki seemed a good idea, was because we literally cannot advertise our guilds anywhere else. However, we may just have to wait it out on the forums until we can, depending on what people say.

Legacy Username
we literally cannot advertise

we literally cannot advertise our guilds anywhere else

I don't really think that's much of an issue. Once the NDA is nixed and/or the game is released, you're free to advertise your guild anywhere. Right now, the community is pretty tight knit and small-ish. Before the NDA, Spiral Gods Alliance created their own forum and wiki. I have a hard time seeing the positives for having individual guilds on the wiki, the more I think about it - the more I dislike it. I think it'll clutter up the wiki and as Dwyn pointed out, many of the guild pages will become defunct as the guilds become inactive. I think once the time comes, the more serious guilds will host sites of their own.

... just right now while there is an NDA.

@Rose: Yeah that's what I meant: just right now while there is an NDA. Once it was lifted guilds would be free to take up their own advertising methods on external sites, and all of the _(Guild) wiki pages would be removed.

It's easy to make a free forum or free website for your guild, that is, when it's legal, and so even the most inactive (or nonexistent) guilds would be removed from the Wiki. I'd like to think of the Wiki as our own temporary hosting site for guilds, because there is no where else at the moment. It would be like using a separate chunk of the Wiki for limited hosting purposes; a guild can only have one page at most (that's if they even want to be listed). It wouldn't be cluttered, as pauling said, because the only links would be on the "Guilds" page itself and everything would be categorized under "Guilds" or "Player Guilds" or something (plus they would only have one page each). Even if a guild does not exist anymore, or is not active anymore, what's the harm of a 20kb page sitting there for a few months (?) until the official release? Also, if the guild was actually disbanded in the game and someone else comes along and takes that name, the page will be recycled.

Anyways, those are my thoughts on it. I'm just "for it" mostly because I don't think there's anything seriously wrong with it, and it might be fun. But again, they will all be completely removed come the NDA release (official release probably). (Is there a way to remove pages on the Wiki by category, or would someone need to go through and delete them all one-by-one? I'm guessing there would be 20 or 30 at most anyways, which would take a mere 5 minutes; assuming deleting a page is a few clicks.)

Legacy Username
Ok, let me just point out

Ok, let me just point out that I did not mean that guilds would have individual links to their own wiki page! That would be way too messy. So I agree with a lot of what's being said. My intention was to make a basic listing of the guilds that there are to choose from. Kinda like how all of the materials are listed. They're exactly that-just listed. My idea didn't consist of making a link from every guild named on a list to their own page. It was simply to use the template created to list the names of guilds, a short description, and list of Guild Masters or Officers that they can contact to join. At first I thought listing all members would be a good idea, but as I've proven to myself in the past few days, people tend to leave guilds to join others or there is just too many names to list.

So stay focused guys: This is just a list.

I, personally, am not creating pages that link to the main Guild page. It's just too messy. I doubt there will be any real controversy because it'll only be a list of leaders, or higher authorities if you will, in the guild listing.

Another way to think about it, the yellow pages. Ahaha...I don't think it'll produce much issue. I've just gotta find the time to do it. :) Try not to over think this. It's really a simple idea. ♥

Legacy Username
I don't see the need for a

I don't see the need for a guild-list? And, you can't access that info in-game easily, so you can't keep the list fully accurate in a decent way? Which guilds are there all? Which ones have gone? You can't really check all of that?

And making a list like that will have people making individual wiki pages for their guild attached to it without question?

Legacy Username
how do you make a page anyway?

i as well wanted to make a page but i don't know how can i get some help?

Bild des Benutzers Equinox
Game Master
Here are the quick steps: 1.

Here are the quick steps:

1. Make sure you're logged in (logging into the forum should also log you into the wiki)
2. Go to the wiki and in the left side nav bar, there is a search box. In that box type in your guild name followed by (Guild). For example My Super Special Knights (Guild). Then hit the "Go" button.
3. You should get a page saying there's no page titled that and a red linked "create this page." Click on "create this page."
4. This will get you to an editing screen where you will create your guild's page. There is a preview button that will help you see what you're doing and you can always ask specific questions here as many other editors would be happy to help you out. When you feel like you've done enough for now, hit the "Save" button. If the wiki complains about a loss of session data when you hit the "Save" button, just click on the "Save" button a second time and that should work.

You can also look at other guild pages ( and click on the "edit" tab to see what kind of code they use to get what you see on the page (just don't change things & hit save, you can just hit back or close the window after looking for what you need without changing a page by unintentionally).

One thing you can put on your guild page goes at the top and creates that nifty infobox that most guild pages have. Here's the code you can copy & paste to your editing screen:

| name = GuildName
| motto = Motto
| founder = FounderName
| masters =
| officers =
| pop = #
| website =

To get different headers you just use something like the following:

== Header 1 ==

Blah blah text under header 1.

=== Subheader 1.1 ===

A little more text for the subheader.

== Header 2 ==

A second header talking about something totally different than the previous section.