Why should a boss stratum, which already provides tokens that can get you stuff (token stuff are benefits), provide the most crowns received in the game (crowns are also benefits)? Why doesn't Three Rings make the Arcade the main attraction of the game? Do they not see that players go to where profit is best? Because of this, player activity revolves around boss stratums and boss missions. There are too many missions; missions that contain Arcade content?! It is as if Three Rings WANTS to kill off the Arcade? This community is small, and finding parties are not easy if it is not in a boss stratum/boss mission. I know that players want stuff, be it crowns or tokens or prestige, so, there should be something to look forward in Arcade so that this community will venture more there, and increase social activity for Arcade runs for other players that are new to the game.
It's not like I would have friends who are on 25/7 or friends that WILL be online when I would be online, or for even WANTING to do what I would want. Even if they were real life friends, they too also agree that this game is not for them due to lots of things that it lacks. I know that the Spiral Knights community consists of a specific variety of individuals who have identical values when it comes to gaming, and okay, I won't judge the community on their values. Instead, why not use that to Three Ring's advantage in bringing in more players to the game by making the Arcade more attractable to this community of Spiral Knights?
What I would like to know:
Is Three Rings happy with the way Spiral Knights is being played for? And is the community of this game also happy with how they game on Spiral Knights?
Hector D.
My theory:
It's not just boss Strata, it's the second strata. payoff is ALWAYS better in the second strata.
If they made it the first strata, people would just farm that.
Boss Strata probably pay better anyway, so mebbe have them reduced to marginally less than a normal second strata?