Adventure is Delicious (SpiralSnipes) has seen a lot of content over the years. Pictures of knights. Drawings of knights. Models of knights. Videos of knights. Knights fighting. Knights dying horrible deaths. Knights being silly. And so on.
At last count, we had two members assigned to drawing knights, one in charge of commenting on their clothing, and one making models of knights in SpiralSpy.
With all this in mind, Adventure is Delicious is looking to hire a blogger to pioneer a new focus for Spiral Knights, because, frankly, I'm bloody sick of bloody knights.
What's this focus, you ask? Well. In short:
Yes indeed. Furniture. We're looking for someone to go around and take screenshots of guildhalls, to document the good, the bad, the clever, the expensive, and of course, the ugly.
If you're interested please submit an application to - or in this thread - note your ingame name, how long you've been playing spiral knights, and anything that would make me want to take you aboard.
Ladies and gentlemen. The future is furniture. Will you be the one to lead the charge into this new era?
"The future is furniture"
Please don't tell me ye're throwing yer crew all over behind and become history...