So, Nick made mention when they Announced that the Guildhall Update was coming soon, that OOO figured some players would make a decent living by Merchanting Furnishings. I can see a glimmer of that, what with the Stands, but since each of the current Furnishings is available to every Guild for the same price, Merchanting Furnishings really isn't too much of an option yet...
Someone has already posed the question of whether Furnishings are ever going to come out of Prize Boxes. I can definitely see this happening, since OOO is running out of new, themed Accessories/Costume Gears ideas.
Frankly, I thought the ways to acquire Furnishings would be much more diverse. Even SK Auctions for limited edition Furnishings seemed like a pretty realistic expectation. Or a new type of Lockbox, or cheaper things in Irons and much rarer things in Mirroreds. Or Blueprints+Mats=Furnishings...
I don't deal in Accessories or Costumes and most Gears, and I can't really see myself getting into dealing Furnishings, but I still feel let down so far...
Anyone else kind of bummed too?
Patience maybe? :3 Guild hall update hasn't even been out for a week!
Rolling out everything in 1 update will just make it boring, nothing to wait for anymore.