Due to this being a new game and there is a chance of typos on gear. I have a question, on Skolver Coat, the description says "The ultimate in Wolver-hide clothing, this coat has been expertly crafted to give your melee attacks blinding speed." The thing I want to note is the "gives your melee attacks blinding speed." but the actuall armor says it increases damage. I want an increase in damage, so does it do what the acutal bonus says, or is it a typo and actually increases speed?
Skolver Coat Question
Wed, 05/04/2011 - 20:21
Legacy Username
Wed, 05/04/2011 - 20:39

I believe that it increases
I believe that it increases damage, but I agree that description is kind of misleading.
Wed, 05/04/2011 - 20:41
Legacy Username
Three rings wanted Vog Cub to
Three rings wanted Vog Cub to be perfect in every way, and Skolver an incredibly situational costume piece that's inferior in every way.
Wed, 05/04/2011 - 20:51
Legacy Username
You say that like
You say that like Skolver is the only thing thats inferior to Vog in every single way.
Wed, 05/04/2011 - 21:06

Vog Cub set used to have a hidden Movement Speed Increase.
Attack Speed Increase may have been the original bonus on the armor.
Much like how Argent Peacemaker says that it is forged from Sun Silver, though it no longer needs Sun Silver to craft.