Might as well bring this up since it's almost here. Hopefully it's nothing like last years, since it seemed pretty unfair for those who weren't informed about it.
So what Black Friday Special will OOO throw out this time?

Not anymore. My email states on sale til 20 November, but it's back at full price. If that's the case, no more cash from me.
I don't take getting lied to very well. >:-/

It's back at full price now. I bought it 15 minutes before it went back :D

Lucky I bought mine this afternoon. I thought Eury said deal lasts till 20th. (Steam always says 19th, that's why I bought it today.)

I was pretty sure it ended the 19th....
Amazing deal anyhow!

Not anymore. My email states on sale til 20 November, but it's back at full price. If that's the case, no more cash from me.
I don't take getting lied to very well. >:-/
Agreed. Especially since it seems like they decided to announce it at what was practically only a few days before the sale ended, and even then, they didn't make an official announcement about it on the main site when they had the sale in the first place. >_<

What did they do last year?
Wiki wiki wiki…Aha!
“500 Parrying Blades (Cool, Dusky, Fancy, Heavy, and Regal) were originally only available during the "Black Friday" Promotion.”
My guess is…the first ever gun based accessories. We have bombs and swords, you see. More likely: guild hall stuffs.

Probably Guild Hall furnishings. Seems like a good opportunity to release the infamous Snarbolax Statue that everyone wants.
Guardian Armor Pack 75% off.