Well, since I discovered that the new Guilds have Upkeep, I've been working like a MADMAN for the past week. I felt pretty proud once I discovered we had about 55,000 Crowns within the first five days. It turns out that some NEW recruit that my friend (Guild Master) promoted to a Veteran (For apparently no reason) decided he would go to our treasury, open up the Birdsong Emporium, and buy every thing of furniture he could. We are now at a balance of 4,000 Crowns- Does anybody have any ideas how to get more crowns faster? I think this really stinks and I could really use some advice right now.
Guild Upkeep Catastrophe

Well, I wasn't the one who promoted, and the GM was my best friend who I decided to buy/create the Guild for since we both got kicked out of O G K because of no reason. I already demoted every one of the new veterans, and the one who did it is getting exiled the moment I figure out who it is. As for FSC, I don't know what that abbreviation stands for. (Noob and proud)
Anyways, thanks for the advice.

just made 70K today and i didn't even try... (ok half that was made through plain ol' running FSC and T3) and i just have an elevator pass :)
or ask a fee for joining the guild (and sell the furniture)

If you won't be able to afford upkeep, remove the expansions. It's better than going into default, and you can always buy them back later.
the one who did it is getting exiled the moment I figure out who it is.
Check the guild record, it should tell you exactly who it was.

Only Officers and Guild Masters have permission to purchase furnishings, upgrades, and rooms. Your tale has flaws.
Revising Immortous' advice...
- Demote said Officer.
- Farm FSC like never before. If you can't do FSC, do RJP.
- Be more careful with who your Guild Masters and Officers are.

I never thought about checking the Record, thanks for pointing out the obvious. (Not trying to sound rude owo)

There should be an option at the control panel for Guild Halls for you to look up who bought it all. I just can't remember the name of the choice atm.
nevermind someone else beat me too it (I didn't even read the replies lol)

Step one: Look at guild records
Step two: Find the name of the dirty rat
Step three: Kill him/her with super slime slasher
Step four: bury body.
PS: Vet's can't open the birdsong emporium or make guild purchases.

Please elaborate on Step three. I have been trying to find this out for a very long time.
Step One: Demote said veteran.
Step Two: Farm FSC like never before.
Step Three: Be more careful with who your GM's and officer are. :-/