What is a Skolver clone?
I'm pretty sure it was 'Toothpick' as opposed to the hammer. The Hammer is just for annoyance value.
Grand Flourish or variations.
Not just the Hammers,
but Divine Avengers, Gran Fausts, Final Flourishes, etc.
Pretty much any weapon that can send you back to base in 2 hits.
I call myself and other "Skolver Clones" the product of a severe lack of gear balance, which causes other gear besides wolver lines, toothpick lines, hammers and sealed sword lines [for swordsmen] very hindering and disadvantaging to use. A mediocre player in this loadout can dominate a skilled player in inferior gear. You need a whole lot of skill to compensate, and why compensate instead of maxing out your possibilities?
It's called using the best you can get, not cloning dear.
@Kagisnad-ll actually if you wear anything else and be annoying, than you can distract people wile others cap. that's how i play.
"I call myself and other "Skolver Clones" the product of a severe lack of gear balance"
You admit this. Now, do you choose to simply go with what Works the best, or do you want to do something about it.
If it is imbalanced, why do you deal with it? The reason (apparently) that OOO does not Do much about it, is because the majority of the Player base does not care that most of the Gear is inadequate.
"Clones" is a Derogative term, Used (was it coined by me? I don't remember...) to attempt to dissuade People from using the "Clone" armor. It was, frankly, a Low blow. But it Spreads quite well amongst the Prideful.
After they start using, and Perhaps learn to like some of the other Gear... Most will realize that it sucks.
Then you either Choose to go BACK to being a Clone, Using "It's the only way to thrive" as a Crutch. And yeah, as of now, it is.
But then Maybe, JUST maybe, you can do something about it.
When I started this almost a Year ago... I knew that it would take a large amount of time to do anything. But now there are many, MANY more knights who realize that there are some major Problems. It just saddens me that so many go back with that crutch... Maybe I should Find a Sword for them instead.
A sword that Leads to Better Balance.
I should name it "Suda" Or some such Nonsense.
a skolver clone is merely just a full skolver with a toothpick and gf or a polaris.
now it also matters on the looks and skills of the player as well.
a nub clone~ unskilled, partly heated gear, lame uvs, no acces. to make him/herself look unique, spams like nubs.
a moderate clone~manages frequent maybe 10k+ everygame, fully heated gear, moderate uvs, has a toothpick-gf- and polaris, has some acces. that make them unique, still spams a bit.
a perfect clone~everyone in lobby gets scared when they see the pro clone's name in the game, (ig" omg, thrillllhaause is on teh other team D:") or ("ig omg we losse"), perfects more or lesss are over achievers and score 20k+ everygame and may or may not cap, they have ff asi vh-gf asi vh-polaris asi vh, dual pentas- skolver gear with triple maxes, as acces. they have prisma halo and or divine-prism wings and or divine, and they don't like to talk in LD so they seem superior to the rest unless someone challenging joins- then they chat it up, you will almost always see these perfects in Haven where they only wear their skolvers with all dem fancy acces.
A skolver clone (I call them skolver zombies) is a player playing as striker with skolver set equiping x2 pentas (+12 health), a Final Flourish and a Gran Faust... some of them also have Polaris or hammer.
The most annoying creatures in LD, some of them just shoot polaris around wait till you get shocked and throw out a GF combo while some others establish full FF combos (with AA althought they never admit using it) around obnoxiously.
There're some skilled skolver zombies also some rich ones, some are both.
The term "clone" came about because the whole of T3 LD was mostly people with the Skolver/Penta-Heart/Toothpick/GF/Polaris loadout. There were scattered bombers and very few gunslingers that didn't use Polaris.
Since an update improved the attack power of guns and bombs, and another update made it so fully charged weapons (bombs included) remained that way even after someone poked you with a Flourish, there's been more gunslingers and bombers... except after Shard Bombs were nerfed, there are very few bombers. However, Skolver, Snarbolax, and (to a lesser extent) Vog Cub are still the most prominent.
"Skolver Clone" isn't seen as derogatory most of the time... at least, not from what I can tell, but I'm not a Skolver. I might have coined "Skolver Zombie", but I regret it; it's inherently inflammatory and there's no reason to use it. If you must use it, don't apply it to Skolvers that are actually capping and helping the team in a way other than damage; if any deserve the term "Skolver Zombie", it's the ones that do nothing but damage damage damage damage damage. Causing damage is helpful since it (usually) keeps the enemy from capping, but capping needs to be done by your team. There's no reason to be insulting to those utilizing the "Clone" loadout solely because they're using the "Clone" loadout, or insulting to anyone at all; this is mean-spirited and doesn't advance the cause of weapon balance at all.
As it is now, some other guns and bombs besides the "Clone" loadout can be used to some effect. Some "Clones" actually switch their Polaris for a Volt Driver, which has a faster bullet. The other Drivers and the Callahan make great guns as well, as long as you only fire one shot to avoid reloading. The Antigua line guns, Sentenza and Argent Peacemaker, are also useful; the Autogun line, however, is of little use, since players have temporary invincibility after being hit and thus are not hit by all of the bullets. (Also, firing the gun makes you a sitting duck to anyone that's behind you.)
As far as bombs go, the main damage-dealing bomb (Radiant Sun Shards) was changed; it's certainly not much in Lockdown. However, Voltaic Tempest and Stagger Storm are great for holding chokepoints; Shivermist Buster works on anyone who's not wearing Skolver (or Ice Queen, or Nameless, or Dread Skelly) very well. Nitronome will work on anyone that's not a Guardian by pushing them away and dealing damage, but must be dropped with fewer interruptions to be effective. I hear Electron Vortex is great for stopping Strikers in their tracks, besides being an incredibly helpful PvE bomb as well. Ash of Agni doesn't do very much damage, certainly not enough to justify letting the enemy filet you so easily; Venom Veiler is only marginally useful in PvP (though HILARIOUS) in the stages with Heart Pads, like Mines. And the Shard Bombs are now TERRIBLE for PvP; don't even waste your time with them.
Aside from that, I wonder if a 5* Winmillion would be good in PvP...
I would love to see more diversity in Lockdown, where people don't have to use Skolver (or Shadowsun with more emerging gunners) to have an advantage in terms of equipment. This would allow more room to be unique, where individuals get to pick a very specific set of gear for its specific advantages in Lockdown and not have to be dumbed down to using Skolver. Of course, this only goes so far as OOO is willing to go.
"@Kagisnad-ll actually if you wear anything else and be annoying, than you can distract people wile others cap. that's how i play." -Dmatter
You raise a very valid point, however many players enjoy being in the middle of the action more, that is how they have fun.
"I would love to see more diversity in Lockdown, where people don't have to use Skolver (or Shadowsun with more emerging gunners) to have an advantage in terms of equipment. This would allow more room to be unique, where individuals get to pick a very specific set of gear for its specific advantages in Lockdown and not have to be dumbed down to using Skolver. " - Tennis
I agree wholeheartedly with you. The reason I choose to be a "clone" is because I have fun in the midst of battle, Skolver is the best gear for that. If other gear, with different but on-par bonuses, such as movement speed [refer to on-par before talking about Mercurial], charge time reduction, etc. existed, we'd see more variety. Personally, I'd pick up a movement speed set and some guns. Guns have a very big disadvantage in Lockdown, their damage is reduced too much for the small bonuses. It takes a lot of skill to be a good gunslinger in Lockdown.
a skolver clone doesn't have to have full heart trinkets.
people who call you a skolver clone usually are on the other team, and they won't know how much health you have.
they just see with with skolver and a toothpick, and judge you on that
@xcel, LMAOO SO LIEK I'M a perfect clone when I go tryhard? ewwwww I don't wanna be a clone
*takes out shadowsun and umbra driver*
"a skolver clone doesn't have to have full heart trinkets.
people who call you a skolver clone usually are on the other team, and they won't know how much health you have.
they just see with with skolver and a toothpick, and judge you on that" -Redblades
Basically, when they already got full skolver and toothpick / sealed sword of choice, they are already clones. Regardless of trinkets.
They all look the same and play the same.
pretty much, more than half of LD players are "Skolver Clones" or anything related to the wolver line.
Then out of that bunch, a few start to get perfected in their wolver line. ASI all around, Max UVs on the coats, etc.
every other item in underpowered compared to the skolver clone. Sure, its rally hard to find a "hipster" weapon with out UVs on it and i did find some luck with Divine Set, Fang of Vog and ancient plate helm yet I would rather just equip meself with skolver set due that its much easier.
messa clone
A mediocre player in this loadout can dominate a skilled player in inferior gear
I beg to differ...
Anyone that owns you in lockdown. I don't think the clones liked my clone guide LOL
It's Lockdown. The game allows you to bring whatever gear you like, so there will always be imbalances. It's just a fact of life.
Personally, I still prefer BN. Everyone has an equal chance in BN.
Everyone has an equal chance in BN.
Ping begs to differ.
Ping would if she had an English Module, right now she's too busy trying to find out where Miho is now since that random night at the club.
A lockdown player wearing Skolver Armor, playing Striker class, equipped with Penta-Heart Trinkets, a Warmaster Rocket Hammer and a Polaris.
Sometimes also applied to any lockdown player in Skolver gear.