Please add a post if you own a darkfang shield.
I want to see how many people will add a post then compare that to the total players to get a percentage.
Please add a post if you own a darkfang shield.
I want to see how many people will add a post then compare that to the total players to get a percentage.
Lets see
~3 million players/7 Darkfang shields= 1 in ~428571= very rare
About 6x more rare than seeing a Shiny Pokemon
pfft, not a big deal at all, ya' kno what i mean? ;_;
/flaunt darkfang sleep max
"pfft, not a big deal at all, ya' kno what i mean?"
Yeah, no monster uses sleep :P
Honestly, no rarer than any other dropped item. What makes it special is that it's only found in Gremlin levels and is uncraftable.
@Msaad, Vanaduke dropping 100 seals has never happened before. Darkfang shields have been found. Where's the logic in that statement.
~3 million players/7 Darkfang shields= 1 in ~428571= very rare
Even more than seeing a Shiny Pokemon
Benjamin from RoC owns one.
and then his friend joins
Doctahwahwee also owns one.
Two Darkfang shields in the same room. my head nearly exploded!
Sleep UVs are no longer obtainable through any way.
I think Daniz had either 3 or 4, three of which he rolled various UVs on for pimp purposes... but I'm pretty sure that the total number currently in existence is below 10. He mentioned that the drop rates seemed to work differently to those of standard pieces of equipment and that he thought there was a timer on the drops (i.e. no more than X being potentially generated in Y length of time), but given how uncommon getting any equipment drop is, it's pretty hard to tell.
I do own one yes and I can confirm that there are only 8 currently known to have been found including my own.
From what I know, these are the people that own them:
Burd (using an alt of Dan's, 'Nebhet', and one of my guild members)
Redzie (However I think they're inactive)
Unity (From Knights of Equestria)
and myself.
If I'm missing anyone please feel free to add to the list!
ive seen 10+ shiny pokemon, where mah shield :O
A sweet married lady, whose name I shall not say for privacy, got one on a run a month or two ago.
As far as I know she only wears it with a certain outfit of hers.
Speaking of rare items, has anyone ever gotten a True Love Locket? I heard a while back that it's actually impossible to get one but never heard the specifics of it.
I saw a couple of people with True Love lockets once, but back then it was rare to have any kind of pendants, let alone the 5* version, since they only dropped from Love Puppies as an equipment drop... not to mention the odds of getting that kind of drop in Clockworks is pretty low in the first place. The items still exist, and are still traded as a rarity, but I suspect that, much like Zee Cores, it's now impossible to get them in game (although the Love Puppies still remain).
-ive seen 10+ shiny pokemon, where mah shield :O
You've already beaten the odds; you don't get a shield. S'like winning the lottery twice, doesnae happen! You just got your odds beaten in the form of shinies instead of darkfangs~
-I heard a while back that it's actually impossible to get one
Love Puppies stopped dropping pendants when craftable heart trinkies were introduced. I guess OOO decided that the chance of getting an item that is only dropped rarely by a monster that is only seen rarely would cripple their profits of players crafting heart pendants.
I mean, why would I want to spend my ce and craft a heart pendant when there's a chance I could get it as a drop, like? O:
List has been updated. I might make a thread about current Darkfang owners. Please keep me informed.
"S'like winning the lottery twice, doesnae happen!"
I heard of someone who did.
Old guy with a bad memory.
Bought a ticket, kept it, forgot it, bought another in the same week with the same numbers. The sequence won. Therefore, won twice.
I don't have a Darkfang shield, but I'm pretty sure there are only less than 10 currently in existence. I think Kuger has 2, pawn or rommil has 3, and I dunno about the others.