The new GH's are Fun.
I still want to know where the bits of railroad track went to in the old halls thos.. Did we just build over top of them and , eventually, 'Time Team' will be called in to excavate the ancient buildings?
I also am confused about some points. I have searched the wikki and the forums for over an hour now looking for some place where Guild Halls are addressed.
If I place any furniture that I 'owned' like the trophy we just is permanently unavailable to me if I leave or am removed or the guild is disbanded?
Ok, so it's fun to belong to a 'group'.. I play a lot and at all different times... In both guilds I have been in.. I rarely see anyone else. I have noticed that there are some guilds who do have groups of people who do play on game or even off game .. or events etc.. together.
I wonder what percentage of players have actually found that guilds add anything much to their actual game.
Or even 'want' to belong to a busy guild with all the fees and dues. Enough to start pouring in their own real money/game earnings into thin air.
Any officer can spend/take/buy/set up using the coffers. No one has to abide by any 'rules'. The interface allows it.. So .. If I don't like what this room or that layout is .. I can just poof it? Then do what I want.? I may think the money well spent on X .. Or I may contribute mist or equipment and ce and game coins etc. only to come back and find that someone else took it all.. or gave it too.. or only a couple of players actually benefit..or the fees payable have been spent on someone's personal game playing.. and now the doors to the additions have been locked.
(The labels for the other Guild levels are ..well not ..well.. I just don't like Veteran forinstance as the level below Officer. And nothing between Officer and the guild Creator.)
I love that we can sit in the chairs!! and lay on the beds!! How fun is that!.. when will there be paint and wallpaper or wall textures.. and rugs and changeable colours..
Ohh and can I have a Teddy Bear too please.. and a blankie.. and a night lite.. andd..
Leaves a plate of cookies on the table .. make yer own coffe tho..
winks and poofs
PS I would love to have a place.. of My Own.. to Call Home..
What exactly is your question?