Hi I have decided to make a you control your characters RP
I just hope i can do it well.
"Fuses" is down! Not another I think as I gun down a wolver with my blaster. "Fuses" was one of the best proto bombers we had and one of the few bombers I had left. Get someone down there to rev him! I cried while charging my gun to take down a rather resilient jelly. The knight to my left charges at the monsters surrounding "Fuses" with a proto sword as another follows him with guns for back up. Man, how could things have gotten so bad I think as I order a knight to try to make it to Spiral HQ. We need back up and we need it bad!
1. No controlling events or other peoples characters it will get you kicked from the RP.
2. Don't use information that your character doesn't know.
3. Use detail when fighting and you can control NPC's in a fight.
4. Don't make your character super powered or let him do unbelievable things just don't make him perfect.
5. You must put that you agree to the rules before you will be accepted.
6. If you want to add to the story or plot please message me in-game.
7. Posts that aren't part of the RP please put in double parentheses (( ))
8. You must have decent grammar to participate.
9. NO swearing or inappropriate things!
10. Try to wait 2-5 posts before posting again and keep posts to at least a paragraph.
Appearance: You can choose your starting gear and accessories.
Equipment: You will start out with proto gear.
Additional facts:
My Application:
Name: Rolkaus
Gender: Male
Personality: Works well with other knights, likes to be in a team, forgiving.
Appearance: Personal color of red, has a modified slightly longer Calibur.
Equipment: Cobalt gear, Defender, Calibur, and a Blaster. ( Don't worry not super powering myself )
Skills: Being pretty sharp shot and decent with a sword.
Biography: He is a rather new knight and was known in his first squad as one that would prefer to keep his enemies at a distance. He was quickly promoted to the alpha squad 3 a squad who was assigned to take out wolver dens. It was there he gained proficiency with a sword and became decent using a bomb. Which was good for wolver dens because then he could rush in, place a bomb, then switch to melee combat. Next thing he knows he was put in charge of the defender squad 6 where he is now trying to protect haven from attack.
Additional facts: Hates to be trapped in a corner.
I agree. (if you don't know what I am agreeing to read the rules again)
Will be updated as characters are approved