no rad marker would be op, because unlike swords, you don't have to be in the victim's screen to let off a bomb. you can let off a bomb and run away. some random kid will walk in to the unmarked bomb area, and BOOM random nitro, taking half their HP (assuming they don't have trinkets). As I mentioned before, taking out just the timer would give bombers and edge, because strikers will be taking a chance to go in, not knowing when the bomb will set off.
Wrong. The bomb has a sprite; in Nitro's case it's a glowing white ball. You won't miss it unless you're either inattentive or distracted by something else. Inattentive? You'll get brutally mauled by a roaming Skolver anyway, the Nitro is actually more merciful. Distracted? I will again reference the roaming Skolver that will brutally maul you.
The exception is Strikers, who might run in too fast to see it coming. However, is this a bad thing? Strikers can already run in with a quarter-second warning and jab you with a Flourish, or pelt you with a bullet or a sword charge from barely on-screen. If it happens the other way round, with the Striker running in and getting the quarter-second warning before being blown up by a Nitro, I hardly see how that's unfair. Why, I think that's balanced!
We don't know when the Striker is going to run in and jab us, or even if they've got an ASI VH GF in the off slot they're waiting to whack us with. Why should they know when our bomb is going to blow up?
EDIT: Also, if you have a new opinion, please just make a new post, or if you were the last poster, edit your last post.
It's an example. You don't use hazes for the damage, you use it for crowd control and status spread. Immune players can completely ignore both of these aspects and simply walk through it. It's why I said that even flooring it at 1sec would be acceptable, as it would still deter people, and walking in it would still inflict at all; sheer immunity makes the weapon a complete waste of time, which would be the same as being immune to a FF that's only good for damage; there'd be no point even using it. Why should I even bother bringing my VT anymore, when so many people are getting shockwalker sets? Do you think OOO will refund me the CE for my VT because other players made sets that defeat every useful aspect of my weapon? Not likely.
And would it pain me to use a GF? Partly, because I'd have no sword damage and no sword asi, so I'd probably get killed trying to use it, and using it wouldn't result in much damage. Not to mention the fact that "I can use swords" shouldn't be an acceptable reason to leave dps bombs nerfed. I don't want to use swords, is the entire point; I want to bomb. I shouldn't have to use a sword because my dps bombs are completely useless and my haze bombs can literally be ignored. Again; if you were up against someone who was immune to FF and you wanted to play sword-striker, how would you feel if someone said "just use bombs instead"? It's not a fair answer.
I am aware that "pure weaponing" is discouraged in the grand scheme of things and that sidearms are the answer to certain problems don't get me wrong; I know full well that I'm putting myself in a bad position by taking no sidearms, but the fact is that if I did take a sidearm, I'd probably be better off just using that instead of the bombs. But if I'm going to just wind up using my sword all the time (since bombs won't get me damage or kills) then I might as well use a swordy set. And roll striker.
As for normal attacks; I have said about balancing being an issue. Don't treat it as "total spam every second", treat it as swords normal attacks but with virtually no damage to speak of. You drop one; there'd still be an animation (so it wouldn't be like spamming guns where you can just shootshootshoot), there'd still be det counts, and the damage would do far less (and mind, the damage from charges is already less than a single brandish swing, so it'd be little different than spamming a Sent/AP that only goes off once every second). Regular attacks with bombs could simply not be used for damage, they'd just be used for a quick drop while you're panicking or under polaris barrage and such, when charging is unreasonably difficult.
Charging would be used when you're not being bombarded by trolly or when you're not utterly surrounded.
Again though, I'm not saying that's the best thing to do, just that it's an option to be considered when trying to think of what can give bombers a fighting chance again.