Sixx's TF2 to SK Outpost

Business maybe doing pretty good on TF2 Outpost, however I need to get more sales in faster because my buying is [nearly] exceeding my selling. So I've tried to make my stake back here, as the Forum has been good to me in the past. I didn't want to do this, but I've had too many people add me without giving me the heads up and have had people rage in the chat because I no longer have X in stock because someone who told me before hand got it before they could. I'm leaving my comment box open on my Steam Profile so you can leave me a heads up of what you want to buy/sell however that shouldn't stop you from commenting here first. (Tip: I check both the Outpost & SK Forums if someone adds me before I ignore the request)
Sixx's Directory:
Builder's Blueprints- 1.77 Ref (640 CE)
Virtual Reality Headset- 1.66 Ref (600 CE)
Pyromancer's Mask- 1.66 Ref (600 CE)
ORANGE Tavish DeGroot- 2.77 Ref (1000 CE)
PINK LV 100 Honcho's Headgear- 3.66 Ref (1320 CE)
Sixx's Hat Store:
*Note: Craft hats are bought at 1.11 Ref (315 CE), prices are FIRM
Strange Weapons
1x Flamethrowers- .22 Ref (80 CE)
1x Sniper rifle- 1.22 Ref (440 CE)
2x Scatter- 1.22 Ref (440 CE)
1x Stickybomb Launcher- .33 (120 CE)
Sixx's Strange Shop:
Craft Weapons
3x Weapons- 0.11 each (40 CE Each)
Halloween Stuff
H. Heavy Soul- .22 Ref (80 CE)
Pyro Soul- .11 Ref (40 CE)
Spy Soul- .11 Ref (40 CE)
Griffin's Gog- .11 Ref (40 CE)
Polycount Sets
Currency in Stock
0 Buds
0 Bills
0 Keys
10 Ref
4 Rec
3 Scrap
Metal to Crystal Energy:
.11 Ref -> 40 CE
.33 Ref -> 120 CE
1 Ref -> 360 CE
Key -> 990 CE
CE In stock: 257 CE
CR In Stock: 2166 CR
TF2 [Low Tier] Craft Hats- 315 CE
TF2 Refined Metal- 300 CE (Don't complain, I'm here to make a profit)

Jeez... No market for TF2 items? .-.
Probably because others are beating you in pricing.
I can take a dueling game, but can offer only 25ce.

It seems the prices are fluctuating up and down from trade to trade. Aside from that, there's inconsistence in prices in other people's trades (not to spark offense to fellow sellers). To be honest I think the slow business is due to the timing in which I revived my little outpost in the SK forums, as I had previously set up shop during the summer (and demand was exceeding supply constantly).

lol considering the real outpost is considered a joke by real tf2 players, and the prices here are similarly disproportionate to those that give the real outpost it's reputation, this thread is probably good for scammers who try to to gouge their prices on the unsuspecting...
Yes. To go off of tacohz. You are trying to sell for top tf2 prices that no one pays on outpost, and you are compounding the high prices by charging the top tf2 to sk currency ratio. And you try to act like you aren't by throwing in that first part like it is just some non chalant (sp?) trade.

@Tachoz; Correct term would be sharking, and no it's not sharking. Prices are based off other buyers/sellers on the Forum. In fact, the given prices aren't even highballs. They're quite low compared to other Outpost trades, actually (with the exception of the Halloween stuff, which I'll change come to think of it). Saying the Outpost is a joke is laugh. Players complain on the prices sold, offered, bought, etc. because it's a place of business. The number #1 goal is to make a profit wether it's a net 0 or a slight increase.
@Elmaton; The SK to TF2 Ratio on my post is CONSTANTLY being updated to coincide with fellow buyer/sellers whose prices have been proven to be effective. Plus I'm not acting, the market is fluctuating everyday. Any game with it's own in game currency has rises and falls in price.
@Both; If you have anymore hallow insults to throw at me, by all means do your worst.
Perhaps the last sentence was just my opinion, it's just that when a story precedes the actual trade my tradar (patent pending) starts going off. But the first part was a legitimate answer to your question with no negative undertones. You questioned if there was no market for tf2 items and I was just pointing out that you were asking for a relatively high price to most current market prices. Those trades take time to accomplish, as not everyone is beating down the door to pay the high price.
for ce or as it says

Not really, I'm primarily selling while only buying a few things :3

I seem to have forgotten to make the CE price ^^

bump because i have insomnia

I don't find Tf2op a joke and I trade a lot, just look at my Bps. (Sadly I haven't played Tf2/trade in a long time; 10months.)
Yes, I know his post is old but still.