Is Skolver armor better than Azure Guardian Armor? Also, do you guys think all tier 3 players are wise?
Skolver or Azure?

1. - The only thing Azure is good for is a costume....sometimes.... Skolver wins by a mile in this case.
2. - And no no nooo, the vast majority of T3 players are NOT wise. Remember that.

1: Skolver is better for Lockdown and pretty much everything else over the Azure Guardian.
2: I've seen Tier 2 people more wise than some Tier 3 players, So no.

Just today I joined up with a full party for a mission, can't remember which, but it's all Constructs & Gremlins, So what do they bring? Well, all of them had 1 piercing weapon to start, not good for a construct level. It just went downhill from there...
So no, not all Tier 3 players know what they're doing.
Skolver > Azure
I have no idea why anyone would craft Azure, or why OOO hasn't buffed the set yet.

I don't think the Azure is that bad it saves u alot of crowns and also it looks good a costume and no most T3 players aren't wise as most of them are P2P so they don't know the hardships of the game.

no most T3 players aren't wise as most of them are P2P so they don't know the hardships of the game.

1.Skolver Cap, they both have the same defense types but along with that Skolver has freeze resistance and sword damage bonus and attack speed increase.
2.No, especially if you see most of these Lockdown players. Most people don't get the concept of Lockdown and think it's some type of brawl so they make fun of you if you get low damage and use noob grammar. Getting damage and avoiding captures doesn't make you good at Lockdown, if it was meant to be a brawl then yes to that but captures will make you the winner. Some Tier 3ers can be immature whiny brats sometimes and they overuse the words "Noob, Spam, Polaris, and Hammer" and yes, in negative ways so don't think they say 'I love your Polaris!".

@Raedon: He said 'better', not 'cheaper'.
I presume that means when you're using it for its intended purpose, rather than just as a costume - which, I might add, would be a ridiculous waste of 2200 CE that could be much better spent on other items.

Azure has nothing over Skolver...D:< except for looks maybe..My personal preference: Skolver looks better...
All? Wow that's flattering but no, not all tier 3 players are wise. Some are very arrogant :c

By "Better" I mean when it comes to bonuses, defense, and status resist. Not looks or how expensive it is. If you look closely, Azure's Normal Defense is an ant higher than Skolver's. Wow OOO................................

You can make any armor , for example, i wear azure guardian set in the beta till the anniversary and i didnt have to much trouble , i defeat every single boss, and then some players began to discriminate against me because my armor doesn't have any kind of bonus , and then i'm been kicked from every single lobby, but now i have a almire set but it looks like some people need blitz and not veteran skills, and i also get kicked because i don't have blitz

Yes i am t3 and have been for some time. so heres my answer no they all are not the ones that are however are the ones who have experienced a great deal in the game not the newly earned vanguards

Part 1 of your question: Skolver, the best defense is a good offense (that and not getting hit in the first place...and the freeze resist...then there's the shinyness)
Part 2 The sequel: Everyone else answered that already.

Getting the Full set of both may not really pay off so much, try experimenting! And in terms of shinines Azure is better, in terms of practicallity......... Well it really depends on your SK lifestyle.
For Q2 I haven;t even played T3 LD because I play T2 LD because killing is easier and more fast paced. But people in T2 are sometimes so impractical throwing CE fo insta-rev and for bribes (they only really get krogomo coins)
Skolver gets freeze resist max as well as sword bonus med on each piece.
Azure Guardian gets negligibly more pierce and normal defence, no resistance, and no offensive/health bonuses.
You do the maths.
No, not all t3 players are wise. I've seen a few who get by just flinging their CE at every problem.
Does that answer your questions?