Calling out Jim-Dale
He is our only hope for the survival of spiral knights
Not-Jim-Dale is very concerned about the whereabouts of Jim-Dale, since Jim-Dale is so good at amusing Not-Jim-Dales
No...It can't be?!?!?
Juances thinks Jim-Dale was banned for talking like Jim-Dale all the time.
He had a different name, then Atlanta came and said somehing like "No ban evading, Jim Dale".
Then he was gone.
Fehzor misses Jim-Dale for some strange reason She cannot put Her finger on. Perhaps it is nostalgia, Fehzor thinks.
Every Not-Jim-Dale who knew Jim-Dale should be saddened by the fact that Jim-Dale may never return to grace the Not-Jim-Dales with his presence. Jim-Dale will forever be fondly remembered by Not-Jim-Dales around the world.
Not Jim Dale will truly miss Jim Dale and all the joy Jim Dale graced the forums with, Not Jim Dale believes it a shame that Jim Dale was banned, and wishes for Jim Dale's glorious return to the forums someday.
I'm going to assume that this all has to do with some sort of inside-joke that I wasn't present for.
None of you are making any sense! You guys are even making knights named "Not-Jim-Dale"!
Jim-Dale was an older player who was one of those 'Famous players' you never hear why they were famous for, like Magnus.
He also spoke in third person a lot. All the time in fact.
Just for future reference, Boswick is a developer. Boswick is also the SK version of Chuck Norris. Boswick also apparently has a bush everyone fears. It's his avatar. It was rumoured that a FoV was used to trim it, and then it was the Scissor Blades.
I was friends with him on steam, but I think he I friended me
Also, I like your choice in music, Thrill
Make a petition to get him unbanned?!
Not-Jim-Dale is saddened that Not-Jim-Dale missed using the proper noun for Jim-Dale. Not-Jim-Dale is saddened further that Not-Jim-Dale caught Not-Jim-Dale's mistake. Not-Jim-Dale will have a very hard time living down Not-Jim-Dale's mistake. Not-Jim-Dale is sorry.
Oh wow Jim-Dale was banned? That's kinda sad ☹ Not-Jim-Dale wonders why Jim-Dale was banned.
Grittle wants to know why Jim-Dale got a Ban-Bat to the face, Game Master, EXPLAIN
For all Not-Jim-Dales out their
This game was out for 5 months before i joined. How do you get banned in 5 months? (actually theres alot of ways to get banned in 5 months, but lets not go there, unless you guys want to do a list montage with music, which i will totally be cool with)
So...technically...Jim Dale is urban legend no?
p.s. Not gonna do the whole third person thing. thats just too cool/weird.
and meme summing up how all of us, non Jim Dale fans, feel.
I don't think it's really Jim-Dale fans. I think people are fond of using third person to speak. Soon there will be a Nethrom thread.
Nethrom thinks, "nethrom is everywhere :3"
to jim dale or to not jim dale?
to jim-dale or not to not jim-dale?
Both are valid questions. Questions i'm sure that nethrom thinks about. (good nethrom reference Icegill, i laughed).
Jim-dale is not a famous knight in the sense that others are, such names as Vokster, Nalrayi, Cocosnake, Delcore, rubyeclipse, pawn, chirs, magnus, Fallout, EEKs, among others. Those are players who are famous for in game exploits of one form or another. Amazing skills, amazing wealth (paid for with real money), amazing wealth made through merchanting in game, amazing ego, being one of the players around since beta and a constant presence, being one of the original bombers on the game, being an amazing bomber and contributing heavily to the wiki data on all things. All these not Jim-Dales are 'famous' for in game prowess of one sort or another.
Jim Dale, on the other hand, was not 'famous' for any sort of in game presence. Jim-dale burst on to the scene with an absolutely hilarious video parodying Chris. He went on to create a good deal of great and hilarious content for the forums. Jim-dale was an epic presence on the forum, with a very funny schtick and nearly never broke character. It was as close to comedic genius as we shall see on these forums. This is why all us not jim-dales shall miss him and are sad to see him banned.
And to make his content all the more glorious, it often took the form of youtube videos, which are always tons of fun.
Wodanct thinks we need a week in every year that we all speak like Jim-Dale to honor him. Wodanct thinks that should be every week until Jim-Dale is unbanned so Jim-Dale can continue Jim-Dale's legacy.
Wodanct doubled post by clicking the button once. Wodanct thinks we need better forums.
HexZyle knows that all forums do this. HexZyle thinks we need a better Wodanct.
His candle burned out long before, his legend ever did.
Motion for an executive pardon?
Wodanct thinks we need the ability to delete our own forum post up until 5 minutes after we posted.
Not-Jim-Dales, Weedalot think we should rally to have Jim Dales ban lifted!
Let a Not-Jim-Dale tell Jim-Dale about starting a petition to unban Jim-Dale!
His forum presence is missed for gems like this;
This; was a parody of this;
And my personal favorite of all time;
Where is he ._.