Hello again (: time for another even tho I didn't wait very long at all to make another lockdown tips and tricks thread, I just love to do it on spare time. For this one I will have my categories built on the other 3 classes that you would make your self swordsman,gunner,bomber.i hope you enjoy!
Ah yes the swordsman strict power with many ranges of attack speeds and damage along with amazing charge attacks . Now this is still in lockdown so here we go, ok so if you have the flourish family whatever you do do not use its 3rd combo hit try not to use its second if you wanna be really pro but just not 3!if you have a slow weapon like avenger family or grintovec family whatever you do do not use the second hit cuz people will look out for that and wait till you use it then they will full on charge at you with everything they got, 5 seconds later your waiting like 12 seconds to. Ce back to life cuz you died. You don't have to have all swords to be a swordsman in fact it be better to have a gun like Pulser will help a lot.
Ok now most of us are swordsman but not gunners because you have to be very skilled and in order to be very skilled you have to use the WASD keys and the mouse to move around quickly. But now for the tips! K so one important thing never stop moving! If you stop your very easy to hit but if you move then your mostly fine! Don't be a defender if your gona be a gunner be a racon or a striker if your gonna be a striker gunner you have to be more skilled I would recommend getting alchemy guns and fast guns to finish them of with skill!
Ok so I don't know much about being a bomber but I do sometimes be a bomber in tier2
K so the 2 bombs I use are the shock freeze and blast I freeze shock then blast uselly this almost kills them and then the shock can finish it it's best to have your an combos with bombs and to experiment with different alchemy mk ll bombs
I hope you enjoyed this make sure to check out my other one called lockdown tips and make sure to comment on what you thought and what are your tips and tricks!
there are already some much more established threads on this sort of thing. Not that your tips are uniformly horrible, but they're covered in much more detail elsewhere.