Can someone please explain, all I know is it just gives OOO more $
SK on Newgrounds?
Really? You make a new thread about this when there's another thread with an almost identical title a mere handful of posts below the top. It's not even on the 2nd page, or even at the bottom of the first page; it's within immediate viewing area.
Do you just pay no attention whatsoever? That thread has numerous posts and has heavy discussion on it (after the initial QQing posts) and will surely answer any questions you have. Not that you're likely to notice or read them anyways, if you can't even take the time to notice the post at the top of the board.
Let the phantoms have this one so it's not just wasting forum space.
I pay no attention to the forums, I just play the game, once in a while I'll look, after this "OMG SK IS ON NEWGROUNDS" made me wonder "???" I'll make sure the phantom get this, a question is not at all bad
I pay no attention to the forums,
Then stop using them or start paying attention.
Don't waltz into public forums, announce you don't care enough to pay attention, then sit and ask questions and strike up a discussion like nothing's wrong. It's disrespectful.
now that you know, maybe do us all a favor...send this to the graveyard and comment on that thread
I don't see how its disrespectful, you're just flaming, I'll just let you flame and you can call your self out how a flamer you are
I already read that post a few hours a go before posting, yet no answers saying whats bad about NG players, another gaming community coming to SK, don't see any harm in that
I'll clarify:
"Hey guys I wanna ask a question."
"That question is being answered in a thread about five posts down."
"Oh, I don't bother looking for things. Just answer my question."
^The way Brady is seeing things. No entirely flamey either, a logical path to take. I'm not too happy with that either, although I get what you're on about.
It's kinda like talking for the sake of talking. Some people are just lazy, methinks.
In response to Brady mentioning about the other thread that has already been created about this, "I pay no attention to the forums"
Then when I say you should just graveyard this and go comment there now that we've told you, "I already read that post a few hours a go before posting"
So you're blatantly lying in at least one of those two posts. I wonder which one...
and I still don't understand why you can't graveyard this and go ask your question in that other thread, especially now that it is obvious your question will never get answered in yours.
If you must know, OOO just wants to publicise more, seeing how many people quits this game after around T1, because beginners can easily give up due to lack of energy. As we all know, lack of energy = no play, therefore people have to pay for CE.