Spiral Knights Nostalgia Challenge!
The idea of this is to mimic how Spiral Knights was played before Rank Missions were added.
1. You are NOT allowed to do any kind of Rank Mission
2. You progress through the game by doing runs down the Arcade.
3. Bosses must be played through the Arcade as well.
4.Rank Missions 1-1 through to 1-4 are allowed as they are necessary to reach Haven.
5. You must start a whole new character if you are going to do this.
You may be thinking "But Neonguard! How will I get my (insert equipment only obtainable by rank mission)? Well, the simple answer is you can't. But they would not have existed before Rank Missions anyway, so it would ruin the point of Nostalgia if you did so. Do not despair however, most items can be obtained through trade, the Auction House and the Bazaar (to a lesser extent).
How to gain access to lower Tiers:
1. When you press P, you will open your progress tab.
2. It will show you the requirements for clearance to the next Tier.
3. Buy or Alchemize the 2* or 4* equipment for T2 and T3 respectively.
4. Go to the Hall of Heroes found in the Garrison in the East of Haven.
5. Talk to Lieutenant Barrus to gain your clearance.
6. ???
7. Profit
Side Note: This is not recommended for people who have not beaten the game "normally" yet.
...run the Arcade?
Since this is what I do normally, how is this a challenge? >_>