I have been hearing a lot about him. WHo exactly is this guy and why's he so popular?
So who is this Jim Dale guy?

Could you please at least tell him rather then admire it,please,please,ple- i think you got the idea.

Not-Jim-Dale is appalled that The Not-Jim-Dales-That-Don't-Know-Jim-Dale don't know who Jim-Dale, the God of Spiral Knights, is
Jim-Dale is the Spiral Messiah in many ways
Jim-Dale had a cult that controlled a majority of SK
And Jim-Dale Was banned for all of SK's sins, except Boswick, then again, Boswick is another thing...
Also, Jim-Dale never used Pronouns, NEVER

I don't know who Jim-Dale is, but I remember OP was banned for being underage and raged about it

What are you talking about Flowchart? Jim-Dale wasn't ban because of that, he was banned for being Jim-Dale!

Grit, I think Flow was referring to Battlee.
Idk, I was absent for a few months.

Not-Jim-Dale is confused on why Jim-Dale was banned in the first place, since Not-Jim-Dale was unable to access the forums for a few months. But Not-Jim-Dale does know who Jim-Dale was. Jim-Dale was a player who only spoke in third person on the forums. Jim-Dale was quite famous for a reason that Not-Jim-Dale doesn't know. That is all that Not-Jim-Dale knows.

I'm pretty sure he was someone who talked in third person and posted funny stuff.

Jim-Dale is most awesome.
Not-Jim-Dales are required to know Jim-Dale.

Jim-dale was famous because he was not Not-jim-dale,and he had swag.
Not-Jim-Dale is appalled at this horrendous failure! Jim-Dale is a super hero!