In my last 4 jelly runs i've seen 6 imposticubes. That's 2 runs where there was 2 imposticubes in one run. My brother has also noticed an increase in the last few days. Are others experiencing this, or is it just a probability thing?
Increase in imposticubes??
Thu, 05/05/2011 - 12:28
Thu, 05/05/2011 - 13:01
Multiply away, the more the merrier. THey seem to almost alway drop a gold coin. Heck, i'll take 6-7 popping in the team button battles :)
Thu, 05/05/2011 - 13:11
Legacy Username
If anything, they have
If anything, they have decreased for me!
I have met about 14 Impostocubes in total, however, 7 of them were in the first three days of gameplay. Heck, the very first one was on the starting area - I just made my character and an Impostocube spawned. It was magical.
Nowadays, it's like, one Impostocube each 3 days. :(
Thu, 05/05/2011 - 13:14
1 in the starting area
Oh man that's great!! It is magical. haha, it would make you think it was just a regular mob!! 1st one i saw was on the 1st floor of my 1st t2 run, and i just thought the imposticube was gonna be the t2 cube :D
Oh dear Mod, they're multiplying!