So I recently read on the wiki that there are subtown fees on the wiki, I never really noticed it on my own. I also read there was a way to bypass the fees, but I don't quite understand how.
Could anyone give an explanation to how the fees work?
(And just in case you don't know, subtowns=Emberlight and Moorcraft)
Look at a gate in the Arcade. If you haven't finished Tier 1 on the gate, and you try to jump to Tier 2 (Moorcroft), then you will be charged 200 crowns. If you haven't finished Tier 2 on a gate, and you try to jump to Tier 3 (Emberlight), then you will be charged 500 crowns.
The gate also says that you will be charged 10 energy. If you jump to the town itself (depth 8 or 18), then this fee is not assessed, actually. The gate is just warning you that you might be charged 10 energy, if you join a party that's already left the town.
Furthermore, in your Character window (click on the little chess knight in the upper right corner of your screen), in the Progress tab, it shows exactly which tiers of the current gates you've completed. The point of this display is to tell you were you can jump without paying a fee.