Hey guys I was wondering if u could check out my new spiral knight video!
If you guys want to see more please like the video and subscribe to my channel
My new Video
I expect you to eventually get this shield, this armor set and whichever alchemy path of your choice, and primarily use bombs.
If you want tips on bombing check out these guides on stuff. If you prefer having someone help you in the game instead of dumping words all over your noggin I should be able to help you through some stuff or find someone who can/will/owes me their eternal soul and will do it regardless.
Remember to have fun.
I might be able to join you randomly for things :P not sure what I'd use, but I can handle most things fairly well :P add me if you want, I'll be waiting...
I think I actually saw a knight named Turtlebomb walking around Haven once...or was it Turtlebombgaming O.o?
Anyhow, always remember to have fun and if people get in the way of that it is within your right as a Spiral Knight to ignore that person or complain.
PS. Luguiru may be an awesome bomber with amazing tips but becoming a bomber initially will prove to be difficult as the game progresses, unless of course you know what you're doing >.>
Good Luck on your videos!!!
/e hopes to watch more soon
Thanks everyone for your feedback and kind words!
New episode coming out later tonight
Stay tuned
Let's see if you have unique characteristic i will watch your channel for 1 month hope you can be good :D