Today in FSC, something really cool happened.
I was soloing to get heat and in Bridge Map but then i was forced to go AFK for a loooonnnnggggg time. Like 45 min long?
When i return, the most freaky thing happens.
I shield and instead of it being normal Blue, its a green tint. The slight Damage color.
So i hold Shield for it to regenerate, but it stays green. Waited a long time but it still stayed green. Glitch maybe?
But then something MORE strange happens, I start running in small circles (this is how i regenerate my shields) and i notice a out-of-focus blurry shield icon (looks like the Defender Line) appear underneath the Avatars feet. and that image with the green tint stayed there for a few minutes until i decided to continue on. it wore off during the last stage/last room.
Easter Egg or Glitch?

I think Boswick came along, Screwed with you while you were AFK and left.

Had a school work related IE window.
Every 5 minutes i clicked on SK Client and then click out to contine with my homework
batabii. i was motionless for a long time. then i shield and Bam! green stuff. I assume its one of those hard to find EE.
yea i guess its a Glitch, guys but what triggered it????

It's not a glitch. It was a basic anti-looping "counter-measure" for when people looped arenas.

@Paweu Yes, But they've eradicated looping now, Unless the arena is the starting level of a gate. But even then once you go up it should give you back your shield. I'm just gonna stick to my Boswick theory, Unless you can come up with somethin' betta.

Dunno what the color is about, but I can definitely tell you the defender icon has always appeared under your character when you shield.
Maybe not "since-game-launch" always, but ever since I joined (slightly over a year ago) I've noticed it when waiting for the next floor to switch etc.
Methinks your shield is stuck on "I'm hit!" or "regenerating!" phase.