I was just in a T2 graveyard with a terrible group. Shenanigans occurred just a couple rooms into the level, and I knew it was time to either quit or go solo. I went solo, thinking the map would change to an easy graveyard with one phantom. After loading, all four phantoms were still hanging around the area where they'd massacred my group. I killed them and moved on, heading past the entrance on my way to the next area.
There were three more phantoms at the entrance, plus a fourth which wandered in from the uncleared part of the map. I killed those too, and of course since I was spending all this time soloing phantoms I had to kill the four of them two more times before finishing the level. I'm assuming the original four had despawned completely and were replaced by the four I found later, because I frankly don't believe I'm badass enough to solo eight phantoms.
It looks like the extra phantoms don't despawn when you go solo. This is a terrible oversight.
Um..you're saying if you go solo in the middle of a Vanaduke battle, he should disappear?
Monsters shouldn't "despawn" when you go solo. This could be misused and people could start skipping levels just by "Going solo and despawning all the monsters."
Doesn't seem you're badass enough to kill eight phantoms...in T2