I've been trying to decide which elemental brandish line i should go down and i'm wondering if anyone could please tell me is you can set a Slag Walker/Fire Zombie on fire with a fire brandish?
Slag Walkers.
When I used to run FSC a lot, I used Combuster most of the time. Its charge works extremely well, as Misten has explained. But no, it doesn't set fire-immune monsters on fire. For what it's worth, it does set the trojans on fire, as I recall. It also sets oilers on fire, but they die within one or two charges anyway.
the thing is, Chief, the freeze brandish line will stop slags from recieving the full blast AND they might wind up just in front of you. the shock line is a bit more reliable, even because the status is more vicious against crowds, but the shock spasm can stop knockback, so monsters wont take all 5 blasts either.
Thanks the info, I think i'm gonna go with the shock line because it is more reliable than the freeze line and inflicts a status unlike the Combuster.
any elemental brandish is excellent for FSC, however in retrospect I probably would've went with combuster instead of glacius. the reason i chose glacius was because my friend got combuster and we wanted to compare. the reason combuster is better: instead of freezing skellies in FSC, it can push hordes of skellies together. this means you can deal more DPS by using charge attack + combo spam than if you have isolated pockets of frozen skellies. more swings = more time spent fighting instead of making money. outside FSC, if you use the charge attack will amount to more DPS as you light pitiful monsters ablaze!
one advantage of glacius is that you can freeze targets quite far from you, and it can be useful in tough situations to freeze vana in place for some breathing space or even freeze trojans and clobber their skelly entourage. outside FSC, it can be useful freezing turrets when they face the wrong direction, thereby neutralizing them, or using the same tactic with trojans where you freeze stronger monsters and then kill their entourage.
volt edge is much more of a pain to get because of the need to grind for PVP tokens, which will probably triple the time it takes to get this 5* ele brandish compared to glacius or brandish.
Slag WALKERS are fireproof, however Slag GUARDS (during the vana battle) are not.
Slag walker/Fire zombie can't be set on fire but fire brandish alchemy line still has the highest damage out of the 3 branishes due to 100% reliability of riding the full wave. It is also quite safe to use because there is no chance that a zombie will be standing just in front of you after releasing a charge.