Well since I've had a bit of a crafting spree in an attempt for new UVs and already filled out guild storage with too many of these explosives, I've decided to give them away to the community at large.
What are they?
So for those of you whom aren't already aware, the Dark Matter Bomb is a two star shadow bomb that upgrades into either the Deadly Dark Matter line which deals pure shadow damage, or the Salt Bomb line which deals a lower amount of pure shadow damage in exchange for a damage bonus vs the slime family of monsters, as well as a chance to inflict shock. These bombs are some of the only shadow bombs in the game, alongside the Graviton Vortex and Dark Retribution lines, the latter of which isn't avaliable to you if you're f2p and not on Steam.
How do I get one?
Just drop me a line in-game and I'll give you one, my IGN is Echoez. I don't intend to vet every person that mails me since I have no use for them myself and it's no loss if they do get sold or whatever, but I do hope that you'll only ask for one if you intend to use it, otherwise it could be going to someone who would.
So I got my bomb and I really enjoy using it! I just wish I knew other people who did too...
Well you're in luck, check out the Super Splodin' Shard Squad and get involved, never be afraid to try and mingle into the bombing community; we may not be as wide-spread as other "groups" of players, but we're certainly always willing to help out someone looking to refine their explosive expertise.
Thanks for giving such and amazing deal to the community!