Hey guys! This is my Spiral Knights series! Keep coming back to this page for more videos! Episode 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Xp9ylQAng0 Episode 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47EseepzMxM Episode 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhbE4yAg_DQ&feature=plcp Episode 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdPMGm5hmPg&feature=plcp Episode 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgZYal0i2IM Like comment and subscribe for more content :) All feedback is accepted!
My Spiral Knights Series!
If you keep your video links in one thread you can keep all feedback to one thread instead of trying to keep track of multiple. It also helps gain attention when people see a continuous series as opposed to scattered individual links which may come off as spam.
Remember to use your shield to defend against attacks and push enemies away from you. The default key to activate is X but you can change it in your options. You can also disable the auto targeting effect you see when you use a sword or gun and it highlights a nearby enemy your knight is facing. When I was new and settling into the game it so annoying I thought it was a feature of the game intended to make combat more difficult when I wanted to swing in a certain direction to hit multiple targets and instead ended up swinging directly at whatever was close. Also remember to strafe to evade attacks in both close and long range. Staying alive helps. As a bomber being able to strafe and evade is as important if not more so than having a shield.
Bombing gets more rewarding with better equipment. If you want help getting into bombing check here and get to know other bombers. I promise only a few of them will bite. Most of them may be willing to help you through guides, doing runs with you, or maybe even giving you some equipment to get started with. I can help you personally in the evenings (5~8PM PST / 8~11PM EST) and on weekends. Be sure to throw a friend request if you want my help. No matter what anyone may have told you I am not psychic. Promise. My fingers are not crossed behind my back. Okay, maybe a little.
Ok I will do that :) Thanks!
Hey there! Here's a Veteran from spiral knights with a few tips.
First of all, I'd like to say that I like your first to videos and I'll be subscribing (don't disappoint!)
Okay, now for the tips:
1) The proto sword, proto bomb, and proto gun are supposed to be the weapons that just get you used to the styles. Aka, once you get new weapons (i.e. the Robo Wrecker or Hatchet) they're better, though those weapons are both different styles.
2) As Luguiru said in another thread, Auto-Target (the targeting system that is automatically turned on when you start playing the game). While you may find it useful at first, as you go throughout the game you will find it very annoying. To turn it off, press Esc > Controls > Scroll down and at the bottom you'll find 'Toggle Auto-Target'. While I'm just recommending, this will help you hit more enemies at a time with your guns and swords. Also, this is where you can configure your controls (as you may want to when the game starts getting harder later in the game).
3) Using shield more (when the game starts getting harder). The game won't be quite as easy as it is now forever (in fact that gremlin is coming back, and I believe he is the first thing you may find difficult in the game), and, your shield is a fantastic item in which you can completely avoid damage.
4) As you progress and start finding more things in the game, what weapon styles you like, etc, I'll give you some more tips.
Also, check your mail! I'll give you some items that are better then the weapons you'll get for a while (like your damage for a sword right now is 13, I'll give you some weapons where the average will be 35 for sword). For checking to see which items are better, look at what star the item is, and the damage bars and attack speed.
Well, that's all for now. Thank you for trying out this game, in which this community likes a lot and we hope you will as well!
My in game name is Grimranger.
Thanks guys for all of your support! I also recived some weapons today to help me through the first few missions! A new episode will be out tonight. Keep cheking this post to see when its out :)
If you ever need help, tips, anything in either PVP or PVE, I'm always happy to help ;)
add me if you like.
IGN: Redblades
oh and if you need help on missions I can do that too ;)
i just am here to say you start on tier one , the first of three tiers, and they get much harder. i am just saying because it may seem easy at fist, so you might let you're guard down. also, this game is meant to take forever to complete (this is evident by the energy function), so don't expect to get it done in a short time. (it might even take you 6 months or more if you don't pay) the tip to not rage quitting is having fun on the way, so enjoy this game!
What caught my interest and keeps me wanting more is your attitude. You have such wonderful optimism towards everything and it's so refreshing. You get a thrill out of everything and it makes me smile. This is exactly what these forums need more of. Keep up the good work, TurtleBomb, and I hope to see you stay with the game and keep your videos in a positive light.
Oh my gosh, another game-optimist? I will watch these videos when I get home.
They will be good.
Amazing feedback guys! Thanks So much!!
Hey guys! Just to say a minecraft video will be uploaded in a hour or so. Just to say I was playing rugby (The British version of American Football) And I really hurt my neck and I cant speak very well, If my voice is ok tomorrow a new Spiral Knights video will be uploaded on sunday.
Hey Guys Just to say Episode 4 Will be uploaded tonight!
In the mean time Please go and watch my new Minecraft let's play :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4WfBEaMvQs&feature=plcp
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdPMGm5hmPg&feature=plcp Like comment and subscribe :)
I will be watching..... And waiting for new videos. Subscribed.