We all know that going into the clockworks in groups always lightens the adventure. You get someone you can talk to, that can rev you, kill stuff for you, drag your dead corpse around when you're inactive, call you a noob etc. But i believe all of us reach a point when our friendly comrade turns inactive and doesnt have the education to commit suicide so your group can carry on, and its your job to make him eat floorcake.
Since flamberge's friendly fire is long gone, we've had to improvise with whatever methods we can. So, this is a thread where you can share your tales of righteous backstabbing.
Anyone care to begin?
Killing people!

If your mate goes dozin' off, kick 'im in the shin.

Activating mecha knights is a pretty douche move that can get your teammates killed, especially if they're AFK

Well, i got one. once in IMF a friend went AFK, so i stepped on a shock grate, then stood in the same square as his with my shield up. he wore a wolver set, so he died pretty quickly. shame he left later on 'cause he was mad at me for not leaving him alive.
Well. I was doing FSC with a couple of guildies (Guild master and officers), and the GM had to go afk for 10 min (happened 5 feet away from a freaking party button) so basically what I did was use the Rocket Hammer to push him into the fire and burning him to death.

Happy Hammerin'
Sums it up...
Also 10 mins AFK = logged out automatically
Also you can kick them...
IDK why people are saying AFK people (or dead corpse) ruin the game. Hey you chose to take this guy with you, you can chose to kick him too and explain to him. Or explain to him at first that if he's AFK more than 2 mins (while not standing on buttons/elevator) that you will kick him
People that goes AFK and that carry corpse does it because they want to. (at least I do it because I want to, when I don't want to I don't do it)

- Is player incapacitated?
- Yes: Play on.
- No: Next question.
- Is subject random?
- Yes: Kick.
- No: Next question
- Are mobiles present?
- Yes: Allow subject to be incapacitated. Play on.
- No? Next question.
- Warhammer brought?
- Yes: Next question.
- No: Skip to question 6.
- Are there significants available? (floor hazard, elevator, etc.)
- Yes: Drag subject to nearest significant. Play on.
- No: Next question.
- Am I in any time pressures?
- Yes: Warn of subject's removal if not back within %insert x minutes%. Wait for subject to return to post. Next question.
- No: Wait for subject to return to post. Repeat question 6.
- Has subject returned within specified warning period?
- Yes: Play on.
- No: Kick. Notify subject of removal. Play on.
This is my story.

It sucks when the leader does it.
This is why you should always have hammer.

The hammer- sounds like the ban stick :D
I think a certain vortex bomb also pulls at allies, (or maybe just the bomber, or not at all...) I'm not sure

"I think a certain vortex bomb also pulls at allies"
Electron Vortex. That was fixed.
This is relatively situational, but the hammer's charge attack is capable of moving your teammates.
The charge consists of Dashslam>Dashslam.
If you can position yourself so that when you finish the first dashslam, you are on top of your teammate, the second dashslam will also move your teammate.
Happy Hammerin'