Recently i did a whole gate run form depth 0-29 and since then i've been logging on and off SK because i get bored when i get to vanaduke so i get off. are there any suggestions to what i should do because i really enjoy playing this game and i don't want to stop playing because i have no real life (meaning that everytime i get home from school i like to relax for an hour before doing my homework and this game helps me) normal teens just go on FB or twiter but not me please help and i do apologize if the reading is a bit long.

Laraso has some good suggestions. Don't run Tier 1 anymore; it's too dull. Run Tier 3 or some of the more unusual missions (e.g., the Silent Legion). Have you done all of the Danger Missions? Have you soloed everything? Have you done Shadow Lairs?
On the other hand, please don't start your own guild on a whim. There are already too many guilds, and now maintaining a "decent" guild hall is really expensive.

do shadow lairs in proto, using a supernova only. no health trinkets. and no shield

Yeah, but if he has truly become bored of everything else the game has to offer, running his own guild would help make the game a bit more interesting for him. Obviously he shouldn't do something like that on a whim, but he should really think about it.

Too many guilds in the game
The strong survives, the weak dies

Hell, after beating Vana for the umpteenth time, what I did to fight boredom was an endless series of weapon tests in RLD. Still doing it. Building weapons, pairing them up with other weapons, changing strategies, building armor sets, trinkets, and etc. to make a truly unique and devastating combination of gear, weps, and abilities. I don't think I'll ever succeed - but the fact that it is pointless and cyclical is what keeps me doing it.
1) Your post is actually rather short, by forum standards.
2) By doing something engaging (entertaining yourself with a video game) rather than wasting your life away on Facebook and Twitter, you already have more of a life than most people.
3) Stop doing 30 depth runs.
4) Try making some load-outs and play Lockdown.
5) Try crafting all of the Lockdown trinkets and use them to further optimize your loadouts.
6) Try Blast Network (that game is always in need of players).
7) Try being a merchant, and take active participation in the Auction House market.
8) Try starting your own guild. This will throw down lots of responsibilities and duties that you need to take care of, but owning a guild is empowering and gives you a multitude of things to work for.
9) Try saving up some crowns and buy a Shadow Key, and then round up a party to take with you into the Shadow Lair.
10) Try to craft all of the Shadow Lair equipment.