I was thinking about how real money spenders could get 5 star weapons in a day and do tier 3 straight away. Isn't that kind of lame?
The more money you spend, the less playtime you get
Well sure, but who would spend the $50 to get a full 5* loadout and not play the game?
A fool and his money are soon parted.
I mean like it's as if crowns buy everything in the game. You pay real money for energy, sell it for crowns, buy weps/recipes from others. Buy materials and craft new weps and end up being stronger by someone who plays for weeks. Does anyone think that there should be a sort of restriction for equipments to be equiped only to a certain "level". Should equipments get certain requirements?
First they would have to add a new heat bar that levels up your character(not the stats) and makes it that your character can only equip certain stars.
Let's say lvl 10 would be easy to get and passing it would make 1 star weps able to equip. lvl 20 a bit more time but would end up making 2 star weps equipable and so on. The higher the lvl, the more it takes?
What do u think guys

I don't see why this would be a good thing. If people want to buy CE to deck out a new character, then let them. That means more CE for everyone else who isn't willing to pay.

I think this is idiotic and the current system is fine.
People play at their own paces and are fully aware of it. Adding more grinding to a game that is intended to be largely grind-free would be counterintuitive.
Well, if someone wants to play less T2 and more T3, spending CE is a valid way to do it.
I love the fact that I can buy CE and therefore attain gear at a faster pace. As a matter of fact, I would think I'm exactly the kind of client that 3R is looking for.
Being that I have a full time job and a six year old boy to take care of, let alone friends that I hang out with regularly, I have little to no spare time.. but I love to play video games/MMOs.. This means that unfortunately I can't grind for hours a day to fund gear purchases, I don't have time to craft 100 bombs in the hope of getting a UV to equip or sell. As a matter of fact, I have never crafted a single item in game. Instead I buy CE and convert it to gear.
To me (my) time is much more valuable than money, being that I have more of one and less of the other. The current system allows me to keep up with high school/college kids or people with no jobs or kids, I can still enjoy the content that's available while happily having 5* gear with a UV here and there.. and hey, my CE purchases are helping to keep the game free for you, right?
I understand that the current system is in place to make money. I actually think it's the best F2P system I've seen. That said, I'm sick and tired of grouping in T2 with idiots in full 4-5* who still die multiple times per level. If I die once in a T2 run, I consider it a failure. I can only imagine how bad this must be for people in T3.

I understand that the current system is in place to make money. I actually think it's the best F2P system I've seen. That said, I'm sick and tired of grouping in T2 with idiots in full 4-5* who still die multiple times per level. If I die once in a T2 run, I consider it a failure. I can only imagine how bad this must be for people in T3.
I know people who have never once bought CE with real money that are in 5-star gear, and still die in T2. Baddies are everywhere, broskeet. Stop pugging if it makes you that angry.
I'm just saying guys. THere should be something that forces the player to do stuff before he can become ZOMG powerful. All this game has to it apart from it's awesoem gameplay are it's achievements. Those are what motivates the player to go and continuing. A game would be mindless without achievments right?
If they added a new heat bar/meter, that would balance it for everyone. Balance is the key word here
"There should be something that forces the player to do stuff before he can become ZOMG powerful."
So, you want stronger trinkets, then?
Suppose the energy cost to revive didn't increase so steeply, but the amount of heat you lost increased with each revive rather than staying at 30% of what you've gotten in that level. Someone who dies five times in a run just shouldn't be advancing at all.

If they added a new heat bar/meter, that would balance it for everyone. Balance is the key word here
No it isn't, the key word here is "It's not fair boo boo boo boooooobbbbbbbbbbbboooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo". You're suggesting grind, and that's an awful suggestion.
If people choose to continue playing the game after they get everything, that's great! And, you know what? Most of them do. And if they don't? More money in the company's pockets so the game can keep going.

"There should be something that forces the player to do stuff before he can become ZOMG powerful."
There are lots of other games that do this. SK doesn't have to be one of them.
The nice thing about SK, is that you choose how/when to spend your money (if ever). It offers much more choice.
Once you realize that the people that buy CE essentially keep the servers on and pay for the devs wages while they create new content, you'll understand that instead of trying to chase those people away, you should be thanking them.
If anyone should be angry here it's those that support 3R with purchases, because free players aren't doing their share to keep the game moving forward.
Tell ya what, I won't complain that you aren't pitching in, and you in return can stop complaining about how I obtain my gears. ;)
Guys it's not about the money fgs. I as a longtime sega fan invest money each month just as support (not for the energy) to make this game expand in the future. It is not about people becoming more powerful than me or whatever. Those who think, let me just set it straight.
The grind thing should be just there to give a "feel" of goal in the game. I mean why are people doing dungeons and collect in the first place? To gain stuff from it right? THat's how any games work. They play to progress. How is Spiral knights any fun when you can achieve finishing it so quick ? I mean yeah tier 3 is hard so it'll take time to become skilfull and be able to finish the tier. But it kind of kills the lifespan of the game
You know some people just give money, because they like the game, and don't actually need the CE. It's about supporting a product you believe in sometimes. Just a thought.
"The Grind" is an antiquated idea. Let it go.
I must be doing it wrong, then, for spending money to start tracking down all recipes and experimenting with every equipment line. I don't have time to grind for every single one because I have a job that involves a pager.
But I've got my hard-earned money.
Here's a thought, team-mates dying = good for you. I scramble to rez fallen teammates, I only wished they would die more often :(

At the original post, this game isn't exactly a long game by any means. I'm not in full 5* gear but I've already made it to the core, beaten Jelly King plenty of times (never alone so far but I just suck 8D), made it to vanaduke (didn't get to fight him long because I had to leave), and I've done all this in less than a month, as a free user. I could just quit the game now lol. I just still play because I want to collect more recipes and still see more variants of levels I've yet to see.
Money may make that faster but won't change my addiction to the content. And as stated before all 5* gear won't make you instant win the game, it takes time to develop those skills no matter what. I'll get bored when I feel I've done enough in this game.
Similarly, other paying customers use money to the extent they feel is fair for them. Some do it to avoid the grind. Some do it just to support the game (as buying CE does not mean money if you don't sell it). Let's not forget you can't even get to Tier 3 without running Tier 1 or 2 multiple times (excluding friend invites). And people who work their way through that probably wanna stay at the lower levels for a little while longer to train.
Why does this matter anyway? Never let other people ruin your enjoyment of the game and how you wanna play, pay or not.
People who sell their energy for crowns are losing a lot of value in the process. Currently about half, if you consider that 100 CE sells for 4000 crowns, but will net you 8000 crowns in a good dive. So that right there serves as a pretty significant discouraging factor.
Also, people who are spending $50 on CE and dumping it straight into the energy market drive the price-in-crowns down significantly, allowing you to buy more energy for less, giving you more play time.
You really, really shouldn't be complaining about this. Spiral Knights' roguelike pay-per-play system is a thing of genius. Go play WoW if you don't like it.
I'm a T2 person yet I still go to T1 to grind. Sometimes Im alone, other times Im with one to three other people. I like think in some way Im helpig the newer people to the game as well as getting as many crowns as possible. I use the crowns to get CE and sometimes the cost of the CE is every crown I have. I don't have any outside game rescources to speed...to me this game is not how much RL cash one can spend to get 4 star items...its how much fun you have playing. In my case I doubt having 4 star items would make be a better player and keep me from dieing any less than I do. Its not the items that make the player good, its the player that makes the player good.
If the person is able to buy CE than I dont see why anyone should be complaining. Money from those people is keeping it free for those you can not spend money like myself.
Before you flame me, it is. Those with money can and will spend if there existed a way for money to make things go faster. And in this game, never mind the values and numbers, people with money, and are willing to part with it, get their dues in terms of faster gearing and tier access.
You take a taxi cab because you value your time. Sure you could walk, but would you be telling anyone taking a cab is lame?
If you don't like the analogy I'll talk MMOs.
The grind is how much the developer wants it to be for us the players. The grind is what players use to associate/compare themselves to others. Some use it as a "standard", like "ha back in vanilla WoW I had to grind for days for my gear! You noobs have it easy".....or "back then we'd grind a whole evening just to gain 1 level, now these noobs can recruit a friend and gain 20 levels just like that!"
The grind isn't something that is of equal value to everyone. It isn't viewed the same by everyone in terms of commitment. You may have invested the hours, but if there are ways to circumvent it, do you really expect everyone to steer clear of those methods simply because "you're still a beginner you must experience the game and grind like the rest of us poor sods"?
It isn't fair, and to some extent, it isn't cool, Come to think of it, man it sounds ridiculous! (C wat I did thar?) But go take a look at real life, and come back to me when you see something different.

I agree with Jellyfish66. I pay for my CE, but I don't have any 5* gear to speak of. Of course I have to buy the recipes and harvest or buy the ingredients but I still have fun grinding and meeting new players.
"People who sell their energy for crowns are losing a lot of value in the process. Currently about half, if you consider that 100 CE sells for 4000 crowns, but will net you 8000 crowns in a good dive."
I know this wasn't the focus of your post, but just to point out, this goes right back to the time vs. money argument, too. There are cases where I need 45k right away to get something off of Basil before the rest of my group abandons me, and I definitely don't have the time to do 5 tier runs to do it. Or I need another 3k to do a transmute, or .... yeah, you get the idea.
That loss in "potential" value of your CE is merely the fee you pay to make the crowns instant rather than a slow, grueling, gradual 40-60 minutes.

Me, because paying 49.95 during the beta to get at extra 25% was worth it. Especially since I paid what I would be willing to pay long term on a montly fee for this game, in one lump sum. And the whole "A fool and his money are soon parted." thing, not really if the "fool" is well off in life actually...
You can always sink endless amounts of money into perfecting your set with unique variants just for bragging rights

Also, people realize that in subscription games like WoW, people STILL spend RL money to get stuff, like gold and even fully-geared characters. It's not like anyone is really prevented if they want to skip stuff, no matter what game it is.
And SK needs to be profitable to survive, so we can ALL keep enjoying it. People who buy CE are supporting the game. =)

There are mechanics in place to prevent people from becoming too powerful with little work involved.
Most of the recipes use a piece of leveled equipment in order to make the next piece of equipment in the alchemy line. Big CE spenders could skip this and simply buy the equipment they wanted but it is unlikely that they will find equipment with the UVs they want right away. You have a higher chance of getting the UVs you want if you make it yourself. Of course, that requires finding recipes and ingredients. Even when you can buy equipment, you still have to level it.
Since the power of equipment is adjusted for the Tier you are currently exploring, it is quite possible to die on Tier 1 with 5 star gear. There is still an element of skill involved when your party tackles the third room of an arena.
Finally, it doesn't matter if you explored all the content and don't feel like playing. Unlike a subscription based game, you can always take a break from Spiral Knights and come back in a few months when there is new content to explore. F2P games are not meant to feel like a second job.
The grind thing should be just there to give a "feel" of goal in the game. I mean why are people doing dungeons and collect in the first place? To gain stuff from it right? THat's how any games work. They play to progress.
No, no, no, no, and no. I play because the act of playing is fun. I enjoy the old-school dungeon crawl feel with the action overlay and a remarkably complex underlying mechanics. Cool gear and fun costumes is just a bonus. This game does not need a grind. It doesn't need artificial progress limitations. It certainly doesn't need forced goal-setting. I get enough of that in my real life. There's no "finishing" this game. You don't get to Depth 28 or whatever and think "Wellp, that's it. See ya later!"
If you're not playing because the act of running levels is fun for you, then why are you even playing?
"The Grind" is an antiquated idea. Let it go.
This. This right here. This SO MUCH.
while that is true, it is up to every person to decide how they want to play the game. Every MMO game is like this. For example, I play on average 5-8 hours a week, the majority of that in a single shot on one night, so I have to pay if I want to have enough energy to play a few levels and upgrade my gear at the same time.