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Versus Beasts and Fiends
Hit 1 and 2 258 - 285
does hit 1 do 285 damage and hit 2 do 285 damage too or hit 1 and hit 2 together do 285 damage ?
first open this page
Versus Beasts and Fiends
Hit 1 and 2 258 - 285
does hit 1 do 285 damage and hit 2 do 285 damage too or hit 1 and hit 2 together do 285 damage ?
thanks Juances
Barbarous Thorn Blade is better or Gran Faust is better for fighting only with beast family ?
Obviously the BTB (barbarous thorn blade) is better for fighting with the beast family, because beasts are weak to piercing damage.
Gran Faust is still a reliable option too, though, as it deals neutral damage.
Ehsanmb, I have a detailed sword guide that lets you compare swords hit-by-hit, and gives advice on which swords to get against which monsters. Or, if you don't want to read my guide, then at least read the wiki page "Damage", to learn how damage affects monsters.
Also, please move this thread to the Arsenal forum (by editing the thread and choosing that forum from the drop-down menu).
hit 1 do 285 damage and hit 2 do 285 damage too