So I was talking with my very good friend Kyanashi and we came up with the idea of a Snipe aura that had like 3 birds follow you wherever you go, I wouldn't care if it were only bought with CE or money I would definitly buy that, Tell me if you agree
An awesome aura idea
Well more snipes I guess would be a expansion package to it and I have no idea if it would be glitchy, im just recommending ideas here
Nobody would ever mistake a snipe for a monster.
That's what makes them so insidious.
Um pocket monster is enough SNipes are small and would be easier for SK to animate so well maybe they could add mewkat aura if they got into this idea
But then we can't get it on skolver =(
Well who knows what the SK will do if the put this through
I hate to be that guy, but this belongs in the suggestion forums. Other than that very cool idea, but do the snipes make a triangle around you, or just follow you in a line behind you?
I would have put this in the suggestion forum but when I first made this I was new to forums and stuff. Anyway the position thing I have no idea, if they make this idea come to reality we will just see what the snipes do
Many people like to be cool, a lot like to be cute, and this aura would be very cute. When I first came to Haven, I automatically said "Oh my god cute cute CUTE!" at the sight of a snipe. So Im hoping you guys can support this Idea until an Admin reviews this.
Maybe a Snipe Following you or sitting on top of your Helm Dropping Feathers would act more like an Aura?
Or Bird poop...
Er well I didnt know what class to put the item in and It wouldnt sit on your helm, it flies and follows you, pretty much it does more than sniped stranger hat
i dont know. i never seen an aura that was actualy something following rather then the usual like a glow or a weather. i just dont know, but im not OOO. i dont know what they can do with their programing skills.
This is in suggestion forums and I have no idea what position they would go in, I just thought about the actual thing, not positions or that stuff. And if this comes to reality, the Game masters do whatever they want to do to it
Just so all of you know, I have no idea about how they would be programmed, that is up to the Game masters to decide
Assign set rotations above said Knight's head of X and Y coordinate transitions, in this case, Snipes.
In other words, this.
Clever, very clever, I had not thought of that, and in other news it isnt really an aura but things flying around you look like they'd fit in the aura class
So for those of you who didn't understand what Severage said, you decide what position they go in
Ya they could fly but first of all, you wont be the small, fat, disney princess father from aladin, and their snipes not parrots, but still assigning positions is clever
I was just referring to the fact that it could be like a "Snipe Halo", where there would be miniature Snipes swirling overhead instead of a full-on aura.
Well Im thinking it could be less of a well when a guy bonks his head in cartoons and stuff, well that could be a rotation, to assign them too
Well thats creepy, was thinking of the same thing and got on to post the idea but anyways i was thinking that have more than 3 maybee 5-10 snipes that circle and fly up and down around you. And if OOO really wanted to get funky find some way to have the snipes be a shield for you in runs considering they have multiple colored snipes which start to break apart as the shield gets weaker. The shield thing would be hard, but hey just ringing out ideas. Oh btw sev i agree probably better to make tht a halo. And if u have the aura and u get stunned the snipes should circle ur head :D And for people who wouldnt like the shield thing they shud give an option to keep it normal.
Well apparently a lot of formers like this so we just keep this thing on most recent forums till an admin reviews it
I will tell all the other inmates in the asylum about this thread who are in here for eating people when cosmetic updates come out for this game.
Due to my lack of intelligence I can't tall if thats an insult or not
1+ For what sev said and the overall suggestion. But, the more snipes, the better. I want to be invisible thanks to snipes floating around my face. :P
Well the company might like this, you buy more snipes to go around you, tell me how dat sounds :D
I would buy it. But would it be glitchy? Do you think it would be a good idea if you could add more snipes though?