I am spanish some people know that so sorry for my english, i am not using a web translator just write ok
Whell i have seen to many pl posting abouth the lag soo i want to do that too cuz
have like a month since i come back to spiral knights and the lag on this days is unplayable
I dont know it is me or it is general but the fact than i live far from the servers, having max only 2 bars
of conectivity when my conecction it is in perfect state, then plus to the lag of the server make me
the game experience really not enjoyed at all, in this days i am asking to spiral knights change my
kattamoon character for my steam account to my no steam account (the 2 are old accounts) cuz when
i play with the facebook no steam tip i can play with a little better conditions (the lag persist but less).
soo if i am waiting all the time is only cuz i like this game soo i am waiting for a little help for Spiral knights if they cant
make a server more close to my, but they can change my character to my no steam account to fix some of my problem, making the game playable, allowme continue playing or i just quiting this laggy game.
I leet this video to show how i am playing all this days since i come back to sk and created the bestias guild with my friends.
This lag it not on a peak hour, this lag is permanently all day, but seems to increment as the same way as incremented the number of spectators
in ld mode, specialy when we (bestias) face jempire o aequitas guilds, how u can see i have to hit on the air hopping one of my hits damage an adversary, this is a madness.
Today i was intented to play LD again, but this day was horribly, like the video but lag incremented X 10 times, i was pushed to use only polaris cuz the lag was too high for use any sword. Only two gvg games with jempire and I was done, dosent like play anymore.
I am waiting to a response for Spiral Knights Game Masters since 1 or 2 weeks and nothing happens they just told me that i have to use all metods to intented to fix the problem and send a message with F2 when i saw the problem, but the fact is this lag problem is permanently all day soo i dont undestand they.
That is connection lag. It means either you live too far from most servers that are active and connected to OOO (The US or EU servers) or your level of bandwidth is too limited to fully run this game. The only hope for your connection to improve is for OOO to open up more servers worldwide, or you move. Sorry to say, you're out of luck on quick solutions in this case.