I keep seeing terms like CTR and CC and it would be helpful if there was some reference as to what these terms all mean.
Is there a list of acronyms anywhere?
ah, makes sense, I knew it had to be something to do with controlling or stopping movement since it was used in connection with Shivermist
"CTR is crash time reduction."
You mean charge time reduction? lol.
RJP is Royal Jelly Palace. FSC is Firestorm Citadel.
DA is Divine Avenger
GF is Gran Faust
Levi is Leviathan Blade
Fog is Fang of Vog
Just a few more fairly common ones you'll see around.
Sometimes CC means "credit card" as in "I recommend buying some CE with your CC."
CE = Crystal Energy
ME = Mist energy
DMG = damage
DPS = Damage per second
ASI = attack speed increase
CTR = Charge Time Reduction
IAS is also increased attack speed
CR is crowns (as opposed to CE, you'll see both listed as prices in trade, but don't confuse them)
UV is Unique Variant, that one threw me until I looked it up on the wiki >>.
LMAO for some reason in my head I always think CRASH. I don't know why, I know it's charge XD
Elsewhere on the gaming planet, CTR = Crash Team Racing (a fun Playstation game). Maybe that's why you made the mistake?
then what's PST?
not the pasific standard time thingy
Omg that might just be it, I did play that game a bit haha...
PST = please send trade
I THINK. I'm not sure.
Please Send Tell is usually PST. As in please respond in a whisper instead of in trade chat. (Helps reduce clutter and verify that people are talking to YOU).
ah ya make sense, usually ppl say please mail not tell (afk) xD
people make them up as they go. I don't actually know what CC means either.
CTR is crash time reduction.
WTB is willing to buy
WTS is willing to sell
WTT is willing to trade
Rez = revive
Also some people use standard MMO terms learned from other games, here's some