For all the coin that Coliseum room is, why does one not zone back into the Guild Hall after / between matches?
Twould be most leal considering those that have the Coliseum.
And the purchase of private chat channels. Ill throw that in here too.
For all the coin that Coliseum room is, why does one not zone back into the Guild Hall after / between matches?
Twould be most leal considering those that have the Coliseum.
And the purchase of private chat channels. Ill throw that in here too.
set up 3 T3 players with 1 T1 mission-starter
Then you're doing it wrong. I manage to get 4 T3 players in there.
They can be thrown at you too.
Why aren't these Santa Hats permanent this year? Why can't we get these furnishings for our Guild without paying - or in Auction (-_-) - ? Why just recolored sets and nothing special in the Frosty Boxes - oh excuse me the Snowballs? Why not include the Impostoclaus set there too??
Yet again, Halloween event gets more "present" features than Christmas event. Whoa. I may be the Scrooge here, but I don't like this Winterfest event : (
Also... FIENDS? Wasn't the mission against GRINCHLINGS? Well played there too...
Regarding being able to shoot around the gaps - You're pressed for time to farm as much as you can. Why sidle around something than fight it head on?
Phantom, you know not to advertise your own threads in other threads when they're not even remotely relevant to said thread.
set up 3 T3 players with 1 T1 mission-starter
Then you're doing it wrong. I manage to get 4 T3 players in there.
Into the T1 mission? By inviting yourself on a T1 alt, have the alt leave, get 3 other players? That feels so... cheaty, but given some of the other things that are allowed I guess action wouldn't be taken on it (and shouldn't be ... rather, the reward structure should be changed so nobody would -want- to do that because playing the easy-peasy T1 mission should pay quite poorly compared to the T3 mission.)
If the rewards for the tier 1 and 2 winterfest missions were nerfed, that would be unfair to actual tier 1 and 2 knights, as the enemies are still just as difficult to them, they're just ridiculously easy compared to the t3 enemies.
this is one of those moments where T3 players are dependent on T1
Most of the people I know just use their crafting alts to get into Tier 1 Winterfest...
I love the winterfest, its really fun. Can't wait to see what you guys have next.
My guess, just a design flaw nobody really cared about.
The barriers were just supposed to keep the monsters out, so that area is technically 'safe'. However, getting hit by projectiles while within that area is a minor issue, so the dev's didn't really notice/care.
'Course, there is the possibility there would be a party stupid enough to manage to accumulate so many monsters, they completely blocked the pathways. In which case the gaps would have to be utilized to clear said paths.
So either a minor design flaw not big enough to care about, or a farsighted precaution.
Methinks the former.