Here is the Thread for Most Winter token
just beat our last highscore of 54 by 6
60 Winter Token in 1 shot. T3 with 4 people. A lot of brainstorming and cursing happened before this :P
Edit: Just beat our score by 6 again! 66 ^ ^
Here is the Thread for Most Winter token
just beat our last highscore of 54 by 6
60 Winter Token in 1 shot. T3 with 4 people. A lot of brainstorming and cursing happened before this :P
Edit: Just beat our score by 6 again! 66 ^ ^
Man that's a lot of present opening.I got up to 45 on tier two with a party of four.It's decent.
BRMC's high score is 68 ATM
Gotten by Me, Shoumetsu, NPH, and someone else...
Mostly red boxes, some green.
Still haven't tried T1/T2 though ;)
How do you know what tier you're in/ is it by equipment?
PeaceOfCake, Soral, Mysteryzx, and I managed to get 102. :)
Tier is determined by Mission rank, iirc.
@Others with triple digits:
Pics or it didn-
Oh my.
Highest so far;
Often we're getting about 60-75 with one random (the snarby in this case) after a quick explanation to stick together.
Are we to conclude from all of this, that the tier doesn't affect the reward in any way and it would be more profitable to run tier 1?
"Are we to conclude from all of this, that the tier doesn't affect the reward in any way and it would be more profitable to run tier 1?"
But how do I get there if I only have 5 star stuff?
1) Get someone to invite you to a T1 Lobby.
2) ???
3) Profit.
How would I start my own tier 1?
You have to not have access to Tier 2 to do the T1 verson of the mission, just simply find someone that can invite you if you're already past Rank 3 of missions. I'll be willing to help people out, just send a friend invite to Clone-Of-Violet and I'll respond when I have time (Around 5 - 8 or 9pm PST.)
72, T3, 2 Voltaic Tempests facilitated the job quite nicely.
96 in T1.
Haven't done anything in T3 but I can imagine 73 is pretty impressive - there's enough fustercluck in T1, and you don't hardly take damage. lol
Before people ask. Yes, Movement Speed Increase helps by reducing time for both delivery and return trips. We did it with a full party with Mercurial (Demo) sets.
New record of 114 for me in T1.
Ridiculous amounts of freeze resist (More than wearing full skolver) helps too. Mitezuss usually doesn't get frozen by traps, he walks right through.
Hmm max I got was 66 i think, but that was a one time luck, I usually get around 45 - 50 with randoms, there is never no one on from my guild and I don't have access to T1 :(
Sev you think you can help me out getting to T1? pwetty please D':
If anyone can help me I'll be back on in 7 hours (3:30pm GMT) and will be able to do runs all day long after that (I'll be looking for parties that can reach 100 tokens please)
IGN: Minotower
Happy holidays everyone! :)
I'd love to, but I don't have an alt at T1. My guildie gets me there. :S
T2... Actually T2 is easier than T1 XD.. My Highest was 90 with my friends Blameitonthebooz, Dragonide and Benotoite Did 3 runs with them. All 3 runs go above 80. First 82 Second 85 Third 90..
I expected the record to be broken by now.
Got 95 tokens just now XD.. With Yfkee, Blameitonthebooz, and Dummymummy
Here is a video for those in question how it is achievable to get over 100, we have room for improvement by everyone getting more freeze resist and some more stun resist but pretty good run. We did 102, our goal was to exceed 100. This was our 2nd run of Tier 1 and 4th run total.
Gratz to my fellow guildies on 116.
96 tokens... With Saadaadaadaadaad, Aeris-Ko, and Hardtor :3
Gratz shortnstubby :D 102 is a very hard number to achieve
I did few runs on T3 and my record was 62
Then i switched to T1 and this is my first run:
Tokens 87,
I need to get better now :) in a few days i want 150 tokens :3
Im currently making a T1 alt...right now. im too lazy to do T2.
guess his name?
I got 94 in tier 2, Is that the highest? (Of tier 2)
I got an alt if anyone can help me with a constant team now please hit me up ingame, constant t1 runs!
Or if anyone has any T1 spots ope please let me know
Edit: Got a team today for some runs and manged to get 90 tokens D: need to reach 100! :P
ill let you know tomorrow.
lets hope time zones wont be a factor.
i want to do constant t1 runs also.
I barely made over 90 tokens ._.
Recently got 102.
If anyone wants to start running these consistently send me some mail
or friend me ingame.
~ Guardianknight.
111 T1 for me. I got 1 on my first attempt solo :PPPP
My token is MORE winter than yours!
Got 116 during a run with Animerock, Headhonchoburnside and Xyloid :D
Got 90 Winter Tokens in one run. 4 people, tier 2. Full rush of giant reds :)