I've been wondering about a few of the development choices for game play and mechanics that exist in spiral knights. I saw I missed my chance to ask in the official post for this and I couldn't find most of the previous interviews so I'm a tad worry I may be asking questions which have already been answered. However these questions/topics are just things I've been wondering about since I've started playing. I'd just like to know the developers side of the story.
1- What was the reasoning for making the game based on an energy system?
2- Why make healing random?
3- Having four elements while armor only protects against two of them.
4- Was this in any way influenced by Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles?
5- Making dungeon only vials and health expansions.
Thanks for your time and I look forward to any answers I get.
What does "Having four elements while armor only protects against two of them." mean? Every damage type and status effect has at least one armor set that protects against it.