I've got some questions about the recent update, and I cant answer them myself right now because I can't access a computer until the weekend. I've seen some forum posts about the update as well as seen the official release notes by Nick, but I still have some lingering questions... Here it goes!
1) What are te recipies, costs, and materials for the new boss furniture?
2) Do the new boss furniture have any utility (eg. Mist well is a utility)?
3) What are the costs and kinds of the new "boss" materials?
4) When the boss furniture is crafted, is it immediately deposited into the guild? Or go into player inventory?
5) how much is the expansion with machines to make the boss statues?
6) How do you obtain the current prize boxes? If through tokens, how many, ad how do you obtain them?
7) Apparently there is a new prestiege mission, how hard is it, how long, how many tokens?
8) The santy hats have returned, are they temporary like last year? Or are the permanent?
9) What is the cost of the santy hats?
10) What do the Impostocube and his helper Randolph do in haven?
11) Snowballs have been introduced as a "usable", what are their affects? Do they slow like in LD? Are they usable in runs?
12) Winter solstice items have returned, did they deflate heavily? What are their current prices on AH?
13) The impostocube costume looks nice, how much is it?
14) What is the rate of CE for CR right now?
15) How easy is it to get the winter confetti and snowballs?
16) Is it appropriate to call the new LD map "Lagbite" just like Frostbite?
17) Supposedly there is a "slush" puppy in the new arena, what does it do?
18) What is the "plot" of the new misson? What is the goal?
19) Is the mission "spammable"?
20) Are the new guild hall doors a furniture item? How much do they cost?
21) I hear you can redeem your Krogmo Couns for prize boxes, which ones and what do they contain?
Thanks for reading and answering my questions.
1) There are three grades of furniture for each boss, for a total of 12 different statues. Each statue has a base with its edges the same dimensions in tiles as its numeric grade. (For example, a second grade Jelly King boss statue will be 2x2) Each grade of statue is purchased seperately, and cost increasing amounts of tokens. The first grade of statue consumes 4 boss materials, along with a variety of other basic materials. The second grade of statue takes 4 of the first grade of statue, along with a variety of other basic materials. The thrid grade of the statue takes 4 of the second grade of statue, along with a variety of other materials. This means for the final boss statue you will require 64 of the appropriate boss material.
The first grade of each boss statue is a physical representation of the actual boss tokens used to purchase it, while the third grade is a perfect replica of the boss itself, with the exception of Vanaduke whose what little remains of him are impaled by his lifesize mace.
Visual Info Here
3) Boss materials can be purchased from Brinks using boss tokens. Snarbostuffing costs 12 Frumulous Fangs, Jelly Glue costs 15 Jelly Gems, Schemer Scrap costs 18 Bark Modules and Dark Ember costs 25 Almrian Seals.
4) Boss materials are deposited into the guild's treasury which cannot be removed, and then used from there to craft Boss statues, which are also permanently in the guild treasury.
5) You require a Tier 6 guildhall (6 wings purchased) to purchase the room that contains the device that is used to make the boss statues. The room is called a "Hunter's Lodge" and it costs 550k crowns to install. The Hunters Lodge contains a fireplace, a HUGE NPC knight that was revealed a long time ago but was never implemented (The one wearing one of the Kat Hats) and several monster skulls mounted on the wall.
6) Frosty Boxes can be purchased with 200 of the Winter Wishes (which are the event tokens), or 65 Krogmo Coins. Winterfest Boxes only come with energy purchases, along with a Frosty Box
7) Level difficulty differs per tier, and the token reward differs per performance, independent of tier. (so it's more efficient to ask your friends to start up a lower tier run)
8) They are temporary. However, from Frosty Boxes you can get frost-themed costumes which are permanent.
9) The Santy ones cost 25 Winter Wishes, or 10 Krogmo Coins. The Snowy ones cost 125 Winter Wishes or 50 Krogmo Coins.
10) Impostoclaus serves as a storyline NPC, while Rudolph is the token trader for this event.
11) They merely bury another player in snow like the Frostbite's snowball effect. Nothing else apart from a visual effect.
12) Its only the first day of the promo, so it's not a good idea to judge the prices of accessories just yet.
13) Probably something rediculous like 1.5M+ seeing as its the first day of the promo
14) Recently dropped below 7k per 100CE
15) Winter Confetti and flawed snowballs (as opposed to perfect snowballs) come in Frosty Boxes, as well as being purchasable in bunches of 15 for 30 Krogmo Coins or 100 Winter Wishes.
16) Cannot tell. Got a new computer recently and it's all "VROOM"! Hopefully you have made some PC upgrades since last year too, if Frostbite was more lag than fun.
17) A Slush Puppy is a Gunpuppy which inflicts freeze on hit. Obviously upon sight of either team it would fire the amount of bullets respective to what tier Lockdown you are playing at the first player it sees.
18) You get as many Winter Wishes as you can collect in 10 minutes, or less if you allow impostoclaus to get beaten up by the Grinchlins. The mission essentially consists of a pickup point where Impostoclaus and the presents are, and a deposit point where cookies+milk and the "children" are. You must carry the presents like you would minerals through an icy area with Frost Traps, Devilites, Greavers and Chromas. (which will eat your presents like they do with vials) Every now and then a band of Grinchlins (reskinned gremlins) will attack impostoclaus and you have to fight them off. Giving impostoclaus cookies and milk found at the other side of the level heals him. When presents are delivered to the children, Winter Wishes are rewarded. 1 for a small present, 3 for a large present. However, carrying large presents gives you Movement Speed Decrease: Maximum! and Attack Speed Decrease: Maximum!. This does not affect CTR, so bombs are go!
The average Winter Wish collection rate would be around 60 per run. You'll get a lot less if you spend a lot of time dead. I've heard of players in parties achieving upwards of 100. It is always advisable to run with a party of 4, then you can collect the maximum amount of presents per run.
19) Mission is spammable, yes. It's only one floor, so its 10 energy a pop, and its repeatable.
20) They are not a furniture item, one can be installed per room, through the room editor interface. They cost 50k crowns.
21) Frosty Boxes can also be purchased for 65 Krogmo coins, from Rudolph in the Town Square.