anyone out there plays planetside 2 , if you do, make me your friend, my person name is iceheart. im in NC so im in a outfit.
planetside2 players?
I'm on VS as well, but it sucks that I can't shift servers :/ Friend-play is so much harder...
I'm in NC and I'm on the Australian server. Do friends go by profile name or character name? My profile name is Azuralus and my character's name is Nithhogg.
Also, am I the only one that sneaks into the far enemy bases and destroys their vehicle spawners and power generators?
Character names.
And no, you're not. But stray MAXs get annoying.
jaager jeeger, one of them im on, america, high, more NC players, im rank 3 i suck at killing people, i just fix and heal stuff and people during 2x xp weekend(i got lucky!) my outfit is about aircrafts so ask my friend pedpeck ( i think i spell it right and if not it start with a P) i will sent it as soon as i can. planetside2 IGN- Iceheart
NC? Psshh. VS Magnetic Spidertanks FTW! Magnets, man! Magnets!