This is not a complaint, it's a serious question, I'm just curious.
I've noticed that, short of a few big 5* mats, it seems very difficult to sell mats at all. And I know people talk about the Auction House, but I'm wondering if even that would change things. Seems like everyone has way more mats than they need, and not enough crowns. Which makes sense - if you're buying energy with crowns so you can play more, you have less to buy mats with. All the people I've spoken to are in similar situations, with a glut of mats, only buying the much rarer ones like Sun Silver or whatever. Lately it seems people are more often crafting an item outright and then selling that, rather than trying to sell the component mats.
So is anyone out there having a lot of luck selling mats? Any other thoughts on the situation?
It seems to me to be a better idea to craft something in demand and sell that, rather than try to sell the mats a lot of the time.
But then, there are also people who are mass-crafting certain items for UVs, who should always be wanting mats. So it may just be the disorganized nature of the current Trade chat that is making finding the right customer harder than it should be?