Answer. The. Question. Now.
Are there any active Tier 3 F2P player here?
I can't even believe if you are a F2P.
It's totally possible, but took me over a year.
Although I'm technically F2P, I'm P2P in the sense that I was gifted OCH. But since the Hammer wasn't my first 5* weapon, and by no means fills up any 5* slot I didn't have already filled, nor does t give me any more cr than a different run, that doesn't really count.
I was also given a 250K booster by a, ah 'Retired Knight' who left me some stuff before he 'left', but I didn't spend that for ages. Got to 4* before I started using it.
Then earned it all back.
Then did something with it.
Me ^^
not this knight, another
why are you asking...
I am a complete, legit, F2P, vanguard knight. Seems legit...
I'm also a F2P, but still Tier 2. My helm and shield is 3*, and my sword and armor is 4*. Yup, almost Tier 3.
I've been F2P since I started. Takes a bit longer to get what you want
but I enjoying working hard for something.
~ Guard
I am. Been F2P since I joined (Including I haven't bought any EPs) about Summer 2011.
Took about from mid-Summer to late fall to get 5*.
~Sev (Hi Rommil)
F2P, but I have been trading tf2 items (metal) for spiral knights crowns/ce.
oh please no vicious cycle of f2p
/e helps tennis raises his hand longer with his own hands raised as well.
Pls don't ruin my willingness to return... pls don't
I'm f2p although the expansion (I had her when he was already very much 5 *).
Of course I'm vanguard with 45k prestige.
P.D: Sorry for my english -> google translator :/
I'm F2P. I've received a couple of gifts from people over time, but they were after I had several sets of 5* gear, and I've still earned the bulk of my gear.
Am I "active"? Yes and sort of. I play a bit every day or two.
(I had her when he was already very much 5 *).
Huh? Can you re-translate that please? You've got like 5/9 words that contradict each other grammatically in that sentence.
(I was (mostly) five star when I got it)
Google translate is the BANE of existence itself I tell you.
I had a Vog Cub Cap, Vog Cub Coat, Silversix, Avenger and Wise Owlite Shield before buying energy with money. Technically, I didn't pay for it because I had earned an Ultimate Game Card by doing surveys on a website... but that's besides the point. It took me about 4 to 5 months to get there and I wasn't a merchant or anything, but I'm pretty proud about it. :D Altogether I've 'spent' $20 on the game (UGC).
Got like 500kce total worth and I've never bought ce with real money...
The only thing I got was OCH (from a friend). Other than that I am still Free. And yes it takes a long amout of time to get all 5* stuff.
yes, i reached full 4* as an f2p. then i sold all my 4* stuff. now i got 5 4* bombs, if i was still a swordie at this time, i would be half skolver with one or maybe two 5* swords.
*raises hand*
Ima 5* and F2P.
Nobody who knows me can say that I'm not active.
Am purely f2p in a sense that I've never spent a cent. Account is considered paid though by buying OCH via Steam trade.
Am I active? Weeellll I'm not inactive if that's what ye mean.
i am 4* and ftp, got there in about 4 months i believe. i get on everyday, but i'm having computer troubles at the moment, and a laptop from my brother, who also plays the game, is the best i can get, and i don't want to deal with a laptop.
Skold-The-Drac >Thank you, you understand me: D
Severage >Sorry for the bad translation~
I feel so bad for not knowing English, but I only have 15 years.
>>When I bought the expansion, I was already full 5 *.
I hope you understand the translation
I got all my 5* gear as F2P, I bought some steam games and sold a couple but my account is still considered F2P. It's possible, infact, not that hard if you're patient and good in investing.
I've been playing ever since launch and have aquired most of my 5 star equips through F2P before i started spending a little bit money. I spent on crimson hammer DLC and once or twice the cheapest CE pack
Am I still considered F2P? The only thing I ever bought was OCH, and it was on sale for like $1.50
Technically you're not F2P, but atleast you didnt buy energy.
I am a pure F2Per with 5* gears, and bought OCH for 1.2k ce from a friend. Of course, the 1.2k ce is gained by playing the game without EP.
yey for my google chrome who has posted my comment twice.
Le gasp.
Icegill and Tennis are F2P?
I have a new kind of respect for you guys.
That feel when P2P players are too afraid to admit they pay to play. No shame in it, folks. Just come out of the closet.
P2P as of a couple weeks ago! :D Nothing like supporting hard working devs of a game you love
F2P up to 4/5* though, so i made my fair time grinding T_T
I'm 4 star with a blitz needle but I am certified for tier 3...
I am F2P, never spent a single cent on this game.But I intend to do so after I reach end game status.While I don't have 5* gear, I do have 4* dark thorn shield, avenger,ash tail coat, and ash tail cap.Working on getting a Wise owlite shield, Grand flourish, and Sinister Skelly shield(the flourish and skelly are for the event, but doubt I will do it in time)
There are many active T3 F2P players "here", whether you meant all SK or just the forums. I am a stalwart F2P who started playing in June 2011. I took a long break shortly after Missions were introduced, however, so I have yet to make my Prestige match my abilities. I'll do that in one fell swoop, probably in a few weeks.
I find being F2P encourages more efficient playing.
There are so many Tier 3 F2P player out there!
Thank you for sharing, fellow knights! But, Ultimixer is right, there are so much P2P out there that afraid to admit that they are a P2P, so get out of the closet, or I will burn it with my flamethrower. :P
There are so many Tier 3 F2P players out there!
Thank you for sharing, fellow knights! But, Ultimixer is right, there are so much P2P out there that afraid to admit that they are a P2P, so get out of the closet, or I will burn it with my flamethrower. :P
Energy Purchase (I randomly guess it!)
Removed -> This post was off-topic and full of unnecessary rage. I apologize for making it
There was no conflict here prior to your post, Trae. lol
There's nothing wrong with being F2P, there's nothing wrong with being P2P. F2P is for those of us, or at least myself, who play multiple MMOs and don't pay on any of them...cause if I did, I'd run out of money pretty quickly.
F2P takes longer, it requires patience, it requires persistence, it requires conservatism, it requires many virtues people don't have. That's why I respect F2P players.
P2P is shorter, but that doesn't mean P2P players can't be good. I respect them just because they pay for the servers I play on.
There was absolutely no F2P vs P2P on this thread until you posted - it sounds to me like you're simply offended for no real reason. The intention of this thread was to see how many F2P players have reached endgame status, and how possible it was, due to things being so slow for newer F2Pers. The intention of this thread was NOT, and no where did anyone indicate, it was F2P vs P2P.
The people who said "P2Pers need to come out of the closet", ARE in fact, P2P, as indicated by their post. Palzm merely quoted Ultimixer.
In truth - I personally believe there is more to respect in an F2P player than a P2P player. But F2P players wouldn't exist without P2P players, so you have to have a balance.
Nobody was.
I'm pissed off because people seem to think it freakin' matters in the first place. I was glad the forums hadn't really mentioned this sort of stuff for a while, until this thread popped up. Now we're just arbitrarily throwing labels on people, and as you pointed out, assumptions too:
"In truth - I personally believe there is more to respect in an F2P player than a P2P player."
And I know the thread wasn't a debate about F2P vs P2P, and I'm sorry if I push it in that direction. I'm trying to get people to just ignore the stupid label.
Yes it's a pet peeve of mine, similar to someone lamenting about how the Jelly King is suppose to be the Royal Jelly.
And yes I'm in a pissy mood today -.-'
Me. Why?
I'm fairly active. Not 24/7. but half the week, on average during school times.