Hello yes, I have seen both of your art.
At the time, I am not asking for any art made exclusively for me.(like I would have the funds to pay for it; LOLNOPE!)
But I would like to offer a possible idea(s) for a 'commission' or sketch.
If either of you have spare time, or maybe just don't have a commission you are working on(or are just plain bored)mail me or whisper me in-game.(mail is preferred)
Again, this is an option.
Feel free to add me if you like.
You may have to remind me of this post in the mail. (I tend to ignore random friend requests. "xD )
You can choose to ignore this post if you feel it.
[ART] Arcelle and Mistreil's Art Thread [Closed]

@Tdlob: I've been... slowly getting this done |||orz [x]
Sorry that this is taking so long x_x I've decided to finish the background first, and then colour the people, since it's easier for me to work that way I guess. Finished all the base colours for the monsters, just need to do the trees, sky and ground, and then fix up the colouring on it, then the people. I start classes tomorrow, so I don't know how long it'll take me to get things done |||orz sorry ;;
@Zyhro: I don't actually log on too much anymore, so I might not be sending a mail. If you want a sketch, feel free to shoot a request whenever, and we can do it for free in our spare time. <:

But no Fatal Frame?! You missed the best of all horror franchises!
LOLJK, that would probably kill most of the Knights on this site. The horror would be too much.

So I finished the background of it ([x]) and started finishing off my sketch, namely the chainsaws. Is there anything you want to decorate it in particular? Topics of interest, etc. Otherwise, I'll just do whatever and make it pretty plain and uncustomized.
...and uh. it seems dropbox isn't working properly right now, so i don't know if it'll work right now. But I mainly just wanted to ask about the chainsaws anyhow, haha.

The only thing I can ask for,
That she is wielding a golden plated Chainsaw.
And that a black cog is emblazend upon mine.
That is all.

Sorry I haven't been able to reply for ideas of a new art/sketch, but i'm here now!
Ideas; (I currently don't have a model to show, but you can find the appearance of the gear on the wiki if you like)
Maybe one of a knight in full chaos set with Acheron and an umbra driver(purple personal Color)
Oh! And then maybe two knights; one clad in Mercurial armor with a voltedge, with another knight in Mercurial Demo arming a voltaic tempest
Again, these are just ideas, and there are references in the wiki of the appearance.
Hope you may be able to use theses ideas! :D
If i have time i might think of another few

@Tdlob: [x] Chainsaws are done. All that's left is colouring, which... might take a while. I don't know why I did that to the chainsaws, but I hope they're okay? I got carried away. |||orz
@Zyhro: Will do whenever I get bored /o/
I think after I finish Tdlob's, I won't take any more commissions, haha. I want to do some recreational art for a while /o/

Thank you for your persistent hardwork Mistreil.
Really appreciate it <3
~ Tdlob

What are the eye colours...? I'm thinking they're blue and blue, but uh. I... am actually sort of unsure, haha. And hair colours, though I can pretty much figure those out. ||orz

A light greenish-blue.
Or is it more of a blueish-green?
Dang it! Now you have me confused! D:

Still working on it. Female base colours are done: [x]
If there are any colours you want me to change, tell me. /o/ It should be easy to change them at this point.
ughh im sorry im so slow ;;

The color's she is wearing feels a little off. Maybe that's just me. /shrug
Also, no worries about pace. I'm quite content seeing it all come together ^_^

@Tdlob: [x]
I finally finished, haha... That took me a lot longer than anticipated, sorry. If there's any changes you want made, just tell me and I'll try to fix it. Otherwise, just mail the payment to me whenever. <:
@Zyhro: I was going to draw your idea but then I got lazy, haha. So maybe one day I'll do it?
And I guess this place is closed now! Since I rarely get on anymore. |||

Thank you for your hardwork Mistreil, your ce has been sent to you via in-game mail.
She is going to love it! ^_^
~ Tdlob

I think the boy's head is a little deformed. It's almost like you put too much mass on the side of his forehead....

@Tdlob: Thanks <: I hope she does!
@Vinnydime: Haha, I didn't notice, but that's sort of true. I'm not too good with that angle, nor am I good with foreheads, so it was sort of a challenge for me to do that. I'll work on drawing faces from different angles. Thanks <:

While this isn't the original, all I did was just throw around shading and background using sta.sh from dA :D
Thanks Arcelle!
Just here to check in on ya ^_^