I know that enemies get more health the higher the stratum, but do they also deal more damage? I know they deal more damage between tiers but say would the same enemy from stratum 5 deal the same amount of damage as that same enemy from stratum 6?
Question about damage.
That's what I thought but I've had the problems verifying it. Since I rarely find the same monsters in stratum next to each other in a single run. From what I've found the damage doesn't increase much while on the same stratum but it could still be increasing just be small enough amounts that I've missed it.
I think that each heart is about 20hp? Assuming the germlin vial heals as much as spiral knights vial, then I think it's around 20 per heart. I need to screen shot germlins using the healing vial so I can compare the different tiers and make sure that proportionality they heal the same. They could just be using the same animation while healing completely different amounts.
What about armor defense. If it follows the same logic, the effects cancel themselves and you wouldn't notice either.
Well, as you go deeper, tier-by-tier, your armor becomes stronger, but monsters' attacks become stronger at a much faster rate. For example, on Tier 1, you might have only 5 health bars, but a monster attack does only half a health bar (10% of your health). On Tier 3, you might have 20 health bars, but a monster attack may do 7 bars (35% of your health). So no, I don't think that armor and monster damage just cancel each other. That's why you need skill on Tier 3. (Or maybe I misunderstand you, Juances?)
Baronvonmoneybags is asking whether monster damage goes up gradually within each tier, or is constant within each tier, with huge jumps between tiers. For example, is the end of Tier 2 much more dangerous than the start of Tier 2? Or is it that the end of Tier 2 the same as the start of Tier 1, and then there is a huge jump in danger from the end of Tier 2 to the start of Tier 3?
Each pip = 40 HP.
If you see a gremlin using a pill to heal +17 HP, that's roughly half a pip and only in Tier 1. It's the same that Impostoclause heals with his cookies and milk.
As for your original question, I've never actually tested to find out.
I thought Impostoclause healed 40 from milk and cookies? Maybe that wasn't tier one though...
And if germlin healing using a vial heals 17 in tier one then wouldn't each health bar be equal to half that amount since a tier one healing vial heals two health bars? I thought it heals two anyway?
I'm also fairly positive that the amount of damage blocked by your armor doesn't have any restrictions on it like the health bonus or damage you deal.
Or maybe enemies don't use real items like knights. It's just an animation with a scripted unqiue effect.
Everything's possible.
@Bopp, from T1 to T3, yes, enemy damage and armor defense don't grow equally, but maybe it's more balanced between stratums of the same tier.
Take http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Leviathan_Blade
Strat 3--> 91 damage
Strat 4 --> 95 -small difference
Strat 5 --> 148-180 -considerable jump
Impostoclause heals +40 (1 pip) in Tier two. I honestly don't know how much he heals in T3.
If Gremlins healed as much as a Knight with a pill, even though they probably have a bit less HP than you, they'd be a bit harder to kill. Juances is more than likely correct.
So, after running some highly scientific tests I have concluded that the amount of damage enemies deals does on average increase over the course of going deeper.
However I also found some evidence to support the theory that my copy of spiral knights and possibly computer is possessed by some type of demon or trickster deity. To expand, I found that the same enemy, using the same attack, will do different amounts of damage. Not just turret ones, which seem to deal damage based on how close you are too them, but other enemies as well. Also I've noticed that an alarmingly high number of monsters can hypothetically instantly kill you by hitting you like 4 times with a single attack that I'm pretty sure is suppose to hit once. I also thought getting hit gave us temporary invincibility but apparently that was completely wrong.
Does anyone know of a video capturing program I could run to recording me playing spiral knights since some of the other evidence I got to support the demon possession seems like something I should submit to bug reports but I honestly am unsure how to describe most of it.
I'm not an expert, but: On Windows, people seem to use Fraps to capture SK video. On a Mac, you can just open QuickTime Player and use it to take a video of the screen while you play.
This is hard to measure, because the game doesn't tell us how much damage monsters do to us, or how much health we really have. But my suspicion is that monsters on depth 28 do much more damage than monsters on depth 19. This wouldn't be too hard to test. A single Tier 3 run could do it.