Mist can be shared between characters, but Mist Tanks do not... I think characters under the same account should share their stuff. My other character has 4 Mist Tanks, but I do not plan on playing that character again... and that character has the Guardian Pack and other costumes. Making other characters under the same account-- It. Is. A. Stupid. Idea.-- Why is it even an option to make multiple characters under the same account? ... All of the glorious gear in SK that a newb could have ever dreamed of... CURSE THESE CHAINS OF BINDING BETWEEN CHARACTERS UNDER THE SAME ACCOUNT.
Multiple characters sharing and not sharing
Whats the point of 3 separated knights if they share everything. Name change?
@ Juances
Yeah. I like starting over too; I'm not a materialistic person.
@ Zaffy-Laffy
CE packages also give Mist Tanks. And you can't send it via mail to other characters either.
Guardian Pack will never be mine... unless I log on the character that I do not want to play on anymore...
@ below post
YOU ARE TOTALLY RIGHT! I AM SO STUPID! (I can just log on to the character that has the mist tank and use it, which will affect all characters). Well, all that is left is the costume issue.
By the way, mist are shared, so mist tanks are useless to be shared among knights.
@above post, seriously, why need a new knight? Your first knight can already do everything a new knight could do, except probably the rank 1 missions.
Just make a new account, silly. Yeah you would "have" to rebuy Guardians Armour pack, etc, but a least you COULD. :P
Also I thought you said earlier that you were IP banned from the forums? Hector Uribe, you have just made it onto my "do not trust" list. Be glad I didn't mention your new IGN you have so "no one would think you are a hypocrite" for coming back to the game.
@ Hollows
Steam says SK is installed in my computer, but I can't find it on my computer... I have to launch it from the Steam store page. "You must create a knight in the game client before you can select an identity knight." that is what it is says for forum profile changing. I can't use my new character as my forum account because it doesn't even exist, apparently. And I am on a different network connection; not the one that doesn't have access to the forums.
@ Zaffy-Laffy
I'm cool like that.
Omg you should be banned for ban evasion!
I don't think that I have been banned, maybe it's a bug, since it has happened several times in the past. I just say that I was banned because I had a rocky relationship with the forums.
maybe it's a bug, since it has happened several times
One time's an anomaly - two's a trend.
Kitty, welcome back to the Forums!!!
Thank you Light. I'll try to stay professional.
You can have 2 separate mist... Use 1 Steam acc and 1 normal... Should work fine
I have another alternative but I don't like sharing it... Since I personally made it happen ^ ^
If your stuff is bound, unsharable, otherwise just send through mail or something...
Mist tanks? I think they are rewards for missions... so bound...