My personal favorite is seeing where cloaked recons are in lock down via their footsteps, especialy on the new map with a light gray floor and almost black footsteps, makes it like they might as well not be cloaked when moving as if they wern't easy enough to kill already, am I right? A close second is being able to do tire 1 winterfest missions with a full party of Tier 3 players, but there no way to fix that and why would they right :P anyway those are my favorite exploits, what are yours?
What's your favorite exploit OOO has(n't) fixed?
My all time favorites were the Divine Avenger charge attack ones in FSC, followed by a close second of at one point where you could spawn the water on D25 of FSC with only 1 sprite, was very useful if you wanted to speed run
Nosrsly, that overgrown, spine covered, shadow wolver with four eyes does. xD
So, my guild was recently doing snarby runs like mad for our shadow snarby statue. And we were reminded of the forever annoying snarby glitch. xD Where you hit the bell, he's well in range but just won't get stunned. I've had a snarby fight go for 10 minutes because of that silly glitch. xD
Can't think of one they haven't fixed yet, but...
I liked the FSC Kat Statue glitch that allowed you to complete the left and right portions of the level.
The ability to do an extra hit with all swords via shield canceling and holding down the attack in just the right moment.
Really, it's SO handy when fighting Lichens and the like.
"So, my guild was recently doing snarby runs like mad for our shadow snarby statue. And we were reminded of the forever annoying snarby glitch. xD Where you hit the bell, he's well in range but just won't get stunned. I've had a snarby fight go for 10 minutes because of that silly glitch. xD"
and i thought i was the only one with this problem.. the last friday we go to SL snarby to help a guildie to make his Snarby Set. and honestly this IS my FAVORITE BUG (sarcasm). that sometimes the bell dont stun snarbolax even if it near of the bell. so on SL this bug its really annoying <.<
Having your combo attack reduced by one hit immediately after a successful charge attack and thus being one hit closer to that final attack in the combo, which can momentarily stunlock some enemies.
Wanna-Know is an undercover OOO agent. All exploits listed will be fixed next week. Thank you for your time!
"and i thought i was the only one with this problem.. the last friday we go to SL snarby to help a guildie to make his Snarby Set. and honestly this IS my FAVORITE BUG (sarcasm). that sometimes the bell dont stun snarbolax even if it near of the bell. so on SL this bug its really annoying <.<"
Ikr. And when you don't think the bell will hit it, it hits from 5 feet out of range. Seen that a couple times, I was all, '...Wat the HECK!? O.o' I just wonder if the hit boxes are slightly off or something. It was kind of lower left away from the bell and he was clearly out of range and yet, it hit. o.o
Having your chance of winning a lock box be directly proportional to how many silver keys you've used in the last X days.
I've had several players confirm the number of lock boxes they "randomly" win on the prize wheel remarkably increases whenever they've used 3 or more silver keys.
Surely that MUST be an exploit to win more boxes, surely! :P
That's an exploit worth fixing - gosh - it should be completely the same odds for everyone if the game is coded properly.
Is there really a snarby -glitch- or are you just not good at eyeballing distance in perspective from a post to a big ball of beast? In other words, game-distance and pixel-distance are not the same depending on north/south-ness. Plus it's not quite clear where snarby's body (hit-area) begins and what's just spikes (non-hit-area graphics.)
PS: My favorite -and- least favorite is that I can exploit out a frosty prizebox for every couple of T1 Winterfest missions, (though playing at my own level would be substantially slower, and krogmo coins are -painfully- slow.)
Is there really a snarby -glitch- or are you just not good at eyeballing distance in perspective from a post to a big ball of beast? In other words, game-distance and pixel-distance are not the same depending on north/south-ness. Plus it's not quite clear where snarby's body (hit-area) begins and what's just spikes (non-hit-area graphics.)
He's literally taking a dump on the bell when you hit it, and it doesn't do jack. I think it has to do with certain phases (I don't think you can stun him while he's howling)
My favourite exploits are the many different methods that one from the rescue camp can get to the clockworks/missions/haven. They've changed over the years, but it's always been possible ^^
I also enjoy the "maintain Tier clearance regardless of Mission status". Meghen, Dimple and I are the only few knights to have recieved our Tier 2 clearance without leaving Rescue Camp :P
I liked being able to loop arenas. Got me my vog stuff.
I miss where you hit the 3 arena boxes at the same time and you would get infinite heat. or vials.
My favorite one by far is the Rocket Hammer charge attack letting you move other players :3
My favorite unpatched exploit is the striker class in Lockdown.
i like the one in the second level of R.T. . the one where you can avoid a part of the rockets if you do it. I won't tell you how to do it, you have to figure it out yourself.
The way in which I get lag spikes FAR less often than the average BN player is in my top 3.
That's not a hard thing to figure out. You just go on one path, then throw a vase to hit the switch and make rockets on the other one. I thought it was supposed to be that way, problem solvin yo'. More choices than the ones you are given, stuff like that.
If OOO patches that, I will rage so hard. Some guy goes afk just off the button? Someone D/C somewhere? Not a problem! HAMMER SMASH!
Oh, come to think of it..
I like that glitch (If you can call it that, more like lack of multiple height-maps) in FSC where you throw the water from beneath and it puts out the fire blocking the water spawner up top.
Because really - nobody wants to walk back and forth that many times.
Also, not sure if this is intentional or not, but Shocked Trojans/Slags are unable to dash or jump at times. Trolololol.
Shocked slags aren't affected by knockback at times either. /sadfacetroikauser
Ever seen a slag jump while stunned?
He's on the moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon!
My Favorite Exploit was the Old RSS
Cause Nick told it was an exploit :P
The one where supernova/polaris's charged shots will blow up behind you if there is a wall/enemy there, allowing you to elbow things in the face explosively as an attack. Its really great as an attack too- lets the user kill beasts with supernova. Also helpful for zombie crowds with polaris.
You anti-reconist! What tier LD do you play? I'ma going to whip ye for that! (I'm a recon)
My favorite was the pepperbox charge "glitch" which let you pull things in using the gun.
Three Rings, I would add that back if I were you. Maybe even an effect where it sucks things in like it did before and a large bullet or shotgun effect that throws everything away.
The one where you can buy CE through the market without spending any crowns.
Autoguns used to pull things in, didnt they?
another fav exploit is sitting in front of a trojan with his buddies around.
even thou im not sure if OOO idea was for the trojan to kill its own. same deal with the rocket puppies.
The vortex bombs sucking people out of their spawn in lockdown is pretty amusing. Serves them right for dishonouring King Krogmo's Coliseum with their lack of fighting spirit.
My favorite was the old Flamberge charge attack, friendly fire was so awesome. The above glitch (if any remember it) was quite fun as well.
The rocket hammer charge attack is my favorite one that hasn't been patched yet.
Don't expect miracles when using hippie weapons bro.
Oh and, this is more of a clever use of game mechanics rather than an Exploit, but I like getting a Devilite to hit me in Winterfest right before I walk on the vents. Invincibility frames = Win.
My favorite was when you could use statues to basically sequence break through the gates in RJP. So much fun was had in the day or two that was active.
Yeah I use that one too. Greavers are better though because they don't just stand there and stare at you for like ages before they attack :P
True, but they also sometimes Stun you, which can outlast the invincibility frames.
Speaking of, this is a glitch that I despise that still exists - Greaver's (Even T1) Status Clouds appear in front of their attack, instead of behind. Makes no sense, and when you are out of range of the normal attack, you'll get caught by the stun cloud. If you get hit by the normal attack, you will likely not get stunned by the cloud due to invincibility frames.
I don't get this Thread at all
@Sev I do that "exploit" too but the devilish often freeze me -_-
I personally love the "go back to haven" button you have added in the escape menu. Getting from Guild hall to town in 1 loading could be considered as exploit. Or joining friends in Bazaar while you are in Guild Hall... (don't fix this! :D)
lol....Wear Skolver/Snarbolax. Devilites will never freeze you. Wear Skolver/Snarbolax with 1 Medium Freeze Resist Trinket, and you can always walk through vents. I don't have that luxury though so I just wear Skolver and use invincibility frames.
But you lockdown lovers better be thankful that temporary immunuty is keeping weapons like cutter and blitz out.
My favorite exploit is the WRH's charge pushing other players. I hope they never patch it. It's also currently the only major exploit I know of that hasn't been patched.
Isn't looping against the rules? I'm pretty sure OOO made an update mentioning it...
How is being strong enough on an easy tier for it to be a walk in the park an exploit in itself, though? The Recon footstep is certainly an exploit, but it's pretty legitimate.
I personally miss the Flamberge doing, if you'll pardon the word play, friendly fire damage.