I've got a Mist Well set up in the corner of a room in my Guild Hall, and it's blocked off by Recruit Stands. Currently, members must ask me or an officer to draw from the well. What we do is move one of the Recruit Stands and let them take some mist, then we put the Recruit Stand back. This is obviously an annoying and tedious way to manage the Mist Well, so we are planning on getting a door instead.
We have one concern, though; if we were to place a door in the Mist Well room, would it cover both the outside entrance and the hallway coming from the adjacent room? Or would we need two seperate doors to lock the entire room?
You'll need 2 seperate doors; however what other guilds have been doing is blocking the adjacent hallway with either fancy items or sundries (which is a 15k blocking method)