How do you summon a GM? Recently, I was doing a Mission and ran into an invisible Jelly Polyp and couldn't deal damage to it. I was forced to leave the game as a result. I've seen people summon GMs in videos whenever stupid stuff like this happens and was wondering what the secret was. Please halp.
How do you summon a GM?
Wed, 12/19/2012 - 11:09

Wed, 12/19/2012 - 12:04

how long did you wait?
How long did you wait for help? They don't come instantly. I would wait for at least 10 minutes.
Wed, 12/19/2012 - 12:19

There are 2 reports. One for non-gamebreaking bugs and another for in-game help.
Wed, 12/19/2012 - 15:34

You summon a GM by activating the Game Master Spell Card - it requires the fusion of the monsters Nick, and his lower half, Popovich, to be activated, as well as the Fusion Stage card.
Once activated, the card will remain in play for 3 turns. At the end of the 3rd turn, Nick McScrooge [Fusion Monster] will be summoned.
Click the "?" icon in the upper left or your screen, and file a support request, explaining your situation.