I hope you all have had a wonderful Winterfest. Unfortunately, as some of you might have noticed, and my guild is well aware of, I have been offline for quite some time. This is due to the fact I was diagnosed with cancer about a week ago. So I won't have much time to play online anymore. I'll miss you guys, and I'll pop in now and then if I have free time and feel healthy. Have a great holiday guys, and have much good cheer and smashing of grinchlins, and finding awesome hats. =D
So... Happy Holidays everyone
I'm with Hex on this...
I'd apologize for your current 'predicament', but your upbeat attitude suggests you'd prefer not to be a downer about it. And me being all upbeat while saying sympathetic things will just sound...weird...
Merry Christmas nevertheless :D
I have had so many people fake being diagnosed cancer in my life. But for some reason you speak differently. You are facing it head on other than denying it and mourning over yourself.
Merry Christmas to you and your family and good luck with everything, I wish you good health.
If you're looking for sympathy, don't know why you're looking on the internet for it. Unless you're on facebook.
I don't know what to say...
I'm really sad.
Daarke, you're diagnosed with cancer and you're fighting for it.
I'll pray for your recovery :).
Merry Christmas too!
I hope you are able to have a great Christmas as well Dark - sounds like you've got a fine attitude about it. I don't know you really, but you will be in my prayers nonetheless.
Merry Christmas and good luck!
A family friend of mine just had surgery to remove cancer from his body. They think they got it all. Modern medicine and procedures are amazing in this day and age, you are blessed to be living in such a time as this. The man I mentioned is only 19 years old.
Merry Christmas! Stay cheerful!
Hey, who said you can't play SK if you have cancer? Keep fighting!
I will also pray for you.
Best of luck to you ^__^
Hope you feel better
For understanding and being supportive. i appreciate it so very much. =)
Take heart and do not be discouraged. You interested in a little riddle to give you something to think about while you take a break?
Good luck Daarke, and may God be with you! Don't you give up!
Stay strong through your difficulties and rejoice through your victory.
You will most definitely be in my prayers and have a very Merry Christmas.
God Bless,
~ Guard
I... don't really know what else to say to this...