
Keep on trying.
Now I will be doing a official system and see what question has the right answer.
Grittle + Dreath
Both of you have 1 right. Not telling which is right

1) 69
2) 72
3) 80 (Not copying you Zaff. Was going to put 70, but there's an obvious flaw in that)
4) 250
5) 417
Hm, this is tricky...

This is announced once. For the answers, as you answer them, the number answer in the next question is higher. So it would be like:

1) 69
2) 77
3) 80
4) 275
5) 388 (is google mapping legal for this competition?)
Edit: posted the previous edit before seeing your post xD

Google Mapping is Legal to get the answer

To make it clear for everyone else, just in case, the numbers in the sequence follow an ascending order.
For instance:
1) 5
2) 20
3) 32
4) 200
5) 499
Imma edit my last post. A sec...

1) 69
2) 2
3) 61
4) 275
5) 104
Some of them are random.

1) <69 (too obvious)
2) 77
3) 140
4) 275
5) 450

1) 69
2) 82
3) 100
4) 300
5) 388
Bonus question 1 : Hawaii

Also the bonus question must be right in order to get in the raffle.

1) 69
2) 77
3) 80
4) 256
5) 401 (The only highway I know, since I don't drive! Haha...)
Bonus Question 1: Cayman Islands

1) 3
2) 50
3) 69
4) 250
5) 407
Bonus Question 1: Galapagos islands

1. 69
2. 77
3. 80
4. 275
5. 388
Bonus Question 1: Galapagos Islands...

My random guesses (no, like, RANDOM):
1) hmmm, 69?
2) 75
3) 90
4) 275
5) 222
Bonus... really ppl? Galopagos?

1: 69
2: 75 (there is no hint for this one it seems)
3: 80
4: 275 (i used maths!)
5: idk, 300?
bonus 1: Galapagos Islands (thank you social studies!)
EDIT: i realized these are not ascending, so i'm changing them now.

1) 69 LOL
Bonus-Galapagos islands
Yes yes I'll fail. Worth the try.

Bonus question draw will be held at 9:00pm EST.

1) 69
2) 70
3) 80
4) 250
5) 417
Bonus 1) Galapagos Islands

Las Tortugas is throwing me off, And the lack of turtles in choice two makes it worse.

What ever you submit as your bonus question stays.... it's only 1 shot. Immortous, I saw your edit because of the time. So that means you are not in the raffle draw for bonus question 1. You got out of that one

That wasn't in the original OP, but if you edited that in later, that's fine.
What's not fine is saying I don't get in because I edited it without knowing the rule that only you knew until now.
(oh, and you didn't answer my turtle/tortoise question...)

Actually, it was:
"For bonus questions, you are only allowed to answer it once. You can answer it with the digit clues, but the bonus question can only be guessed once a day."
It was there before I posted. Considering your edit came after that, it was there before your edit.

It does make sense. But you cannot edit next time....

@Psycho- Answering more than once and editing are two different things, no?
@Benightz- Alright thanks. And trust me, I don't plan to!

Random Number: 14
I closed my eyes, and got comment 14. Grittle is the winner! Your prize should be sent in a moment

Actually, if you post one answer, and edit it to a different answer while the first answer is already submitted as being the answer, then that counts as a 'second go'.

1: 69
2: 72
5. 423
Bonus: Galapagos Island
Yea...it was my best shot...

Pballs: You have 2 questions right
Lexxi-At: You have 1 question right, and that bonus answer didn't count because I already announced the winner

I'm still deciphering the numbers though.

1) 69
2) 77
3) 75
4) 374
5) 407
Bonus: Slenderman

You are so close in getting the third question ri--- (Oh bananas.)

1. 69
2. 77
3. 74
4. 367
5. 417
Bonus: slenderman.

Wait can we try to guess the numbers again?

Artistbma, you don't have to keep adding the bonus question to your every attempt. Just keep it in one place please. You got 3 questions right.

Bonus: Slenderman
Any of them right?

Immortous: That didn't count.... I made the rule right after your edit, you cannot put the bonus question and then change it... JK!!!! XD. Hope I didn't scare the crap outta ya. Anyways you got 1 question right.
Grittle: You got 3 questions right. Also go back and read hint 4. I wrote: "4) Between 150 - 400 (HINT: There aren't any 0's or 5's)"
Artistbma: 2 questions correct.

Yeaaah....was gonna say.... =P
Bonus: Slenderman

Bonus 2) Slenderman
Also, what happened to the 2nd digit in the OP? The Question for it isn't there.

1. 69
2. 74
3. 77
4. 267
5. 417
EDIT: Edited shtuff :P

Art, they're in ascending order. You can't have number smaller than the one before it.

I've been waiting on Beni to call Art out on that....
EDIT: Also changed my answer to number 4...
1) 69
2) 3
3) 60
4) 250
5) 407